Other calendar tools I've used have allowed you to clone your own (or your colleagues') meeting links in order to create similar or identical links that might have different names or slightly different details, but everything else is the same.
For example, I have several different types of retention meetings with clients where my availability, the meeting lengths, the buffer periods, the messages, and other settings are mostly the same, but I want the meeting to have a different name on my calendar - should I really have to start from scratch to create an almost-but-not-quite identical meeting link?
AppointmentCore allows for this and I imagine others do as well. I prefer almost everything about HubSpot meetings to everything I've used before, but this is a pretty big drawback. Thanks!
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Thanks for the reply, great to see the regular meeting links as cloneable, but unfortunately the same can't be done with meeting links that have multiple people on them, hopefully this will change
Ability to clone groups and round robins. Also, to make group members calendar availability optional (if one is busy but someone else is available, still show the meeting time as available). Please!!
Group meetings cannot be cloned!!! It is group meetings that should be clonable, since 1on1 meetings always involve the user and not variations should be expected; whereas group combinations require cloning!!!
It would be really nice if Hubspot just stepped up in General on these meeting links!!! Marking this as delivered shows that it won't get attention very soon.
1-You can't clone round robin meetings - (NOT DELIVERED) 2-Terrible ability to limit appointments/day or week. 3-There are no weighted meeting options inside of the scheduling tool - (this was marked as delivered but only added inside of the scheduling tool in a contact or deal but not in the most important space which is the meeting scheduling tool) 4-an option of buffer time before or after appointment or the ability to chose both.
All Hubspot has to do is create an account with Calendly or Acuity - look at all of their abilities and BOOM you can then finally understand what we are all need from this meeting tool.
Please Send Massive help to the scheduling tool!! PS I still love HubSpot.
I fully agree. The cloning of meeting links cannot be said to have been delivered. Only 1on1 meetings can be cloned, and these are the least useful since each user will only have one link of this kind, but many other links that must be with several participants. All these links will be the same, with the mere difference of participants, HENCE THE CLONE FEATURE FOR MEETING LINKS IS A MUST!!!
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