HubSpot Ideas


Clone Deal Pipelines

Hubspot Team,


Would be great to be able to clone Deal Pipelines or have Deal Pipeline templates as many of our pipelines are similar and now we are manually reacreating pipelines that are simlar or identiacal to other pipeleines.




148 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner

We have 9 sites that fall under 1 business, each site requires their own pipelines for several reasons. If a new site is added, cloning pipelines would allow us to roll out company sales systems quickly and accurately


We have multiple markets in our company and we want them to have the freedom to edit their pipeline stages according to their business. With that said it would have been much easier to clone a pipeline and remove/add a stage than to have to create each pipeline individually (a total of 12 pipelines). 


Yes, this seems like such an obvious and needed. HubSpot - Please make it happen! 

Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

Absolutely! We frequently find ourselves in the need to replicate pipelines for our clients. Having a cloning option readily available would be immensely beneficial and time-saving. It would streamline our workflow and contribute significantly to our productivity. Thank you for bringing up this suggestion!

Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

Hi @JeannieN, in our case, clients often have multiple sales processes tailored to different products, services, or customer segments. Cloning a pipeline allows for customization to meet the unique requirements of each sales process while maintaining consistency in stages and workflows.


Also, in multinational companies or organizations with diverse teams, it's common to have region-specific or team-specific sales pipelines. Cloning pipelines facilitates the creation of localized or specialized pipelines to cater to distinct market needs or team workflows.

Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

For those of you seeking to duplicate deals, I've devised a simple workaround utilizing just two short workflows. Discover the step-by-step instructions here.

Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

Hi @CDomingue , I completely agree with you; the need for this feature is undeniable. Have you had the chance to come across this post yet? It addresses the same issue, and HubSpot has provided a response. Feel free to take a look and join the conversation.

Member | Elite Partner

I currently have a client that needs the same pipeline for multiple different directors. The automation is intense, and it took me hours to build the first pipeline. Having to rebuild each pipeline from scratch is a HUGE miss on Hubspot's part. I honestly can't fathom why this wouldn't be an out-of-the-box future for SHPro and SHEnterprise. 

This is a significant issue that needs to be addressed ASAP.


This seems like the easiest coding update, why haven't you done it yet?


@JeannieN to answer your question from march of this year, 

The use case would be if I have multiple Lines of Business/Subsidiaries with a similar sales process, cloning an existing pipeline provides a baseline for creating a new pipeline. We currently have 10 pipelines, but there is a specific pipeline I want to emulate, instead of creating a new pipeline from scratch it would be awesome to just clone an existing one and rename it. I understand the best practice, but most of the times, the business needs dictates the requirements and consolidating pipelines isn't always the best solution.  


Being in this discussion for about 4 years now and seeing that the input by Hubspot into this topic is rare, even not existing.
I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to "clone" a pipeline, simply software-wise.
On the surface cloning is a simple idea. However "simple" it is not considering, what may or not may be the content of a chosen pipeline, when
it comes to workflows. 
We know that a workflow may be a standalone "function" with or without a working pipeline. Plus we have (small) workflows that are considered being part of a pipeline because that workflow was created within the pipeline, while building the pipeline.
Such (small) workflows are visible on the pipelines "automation" view, whereas "real" (standalone) workflows are not.
Imagine to clone a pipeline that contains both variants of such workflows (visable - not visable in pipeline automation view).

What makes me sad, is that hubspot does not address this topic in a professional manner, and tells us -the daily users-, WHY them do not implement that cloning feature.

Regarding your question about our use cases. I am very sorry to write this,  really am, but I have to:
It is not professional from your end (not yours personnally, however hupspot's) to ask paying users for their use cases.
We -as users- know (in general) what we "want" to do, yet we (sometimes) do not know "how to". Which extra information do you need to understand that. Naming use cases (most of them being pretty individual) is a dead-end-road. My guess is there a thousands of reasons, why to clone a pipeline, you could as well ask us, "why do you want to clone a workflow, give us a use case."  





We need it so badly!


I agree.I would love to be able to easily clone deal pipelines.


We want our active pipeline to show only deals that will close in the current year. 

Currently we have "holding tank" stages because these deals are not lost, they are just "not now" and we want to clear out these stages without losing the deals that are leads for next year. I have been asked to create a Future pipeline and it would be really helpful to just clone our current pipeline as the process will be the same but just for next year so not a focus currently.


Agreed! Would love to see this functionality. 



How can we not do this yet? We can clone so many other things!!!!

Please help us, HubSpot!!!


Hi @JeannieN,


Referring to your question regarding 1. "Ability to clone a pipeline", I can answer from our perspective:


Our business model is a "Seller-Agent" model - a bit like the business model of a real estate agent that is selling different houses. Think of the individual house as the "pipeline" and the interested house buyers as "deals".


To sell House A, we set up Pipeline A where we track all potential buyers as deals. Naturally, we want to provide the seller of House A with frequent updates about how the sales process of his/her house is going. 


For House B, we need a Pipeline B, with exactly the same stages, but with different deals (i.e. only buyers interested in House B).


From that perspective, setting up Pipeline B is much easier if I can just "clone" Pipeline A with all the same stages and properties (but without House A deals, obviously).


So what we have is 1 pipeline per house we sell and 1 overarching "housing pipeline" where we track the stage of the different housing sales process. Happy to demo you this example in our hubspot.


This works great with the caviat that after 14 houses sold, we will run out of pipelines (and will have to come up with a new solution. (Given the fact that our model entails that eventually House A is sold (and thus Pipeline A isn't used anymore), it would be great to be able to archive Pipeline A.)


Hope it helps to understand OUR usecase. There might be others.


I would of course be interested: do you see a better way for a setup of such a seller-agent model?


The clone option is available in almost every other area of Hubspot seems like it should be a basic functionality for deal pipelines. My business has to have 5 seperate pipelines, all of which have similar settings and requirements, but have slightly varying deal stages. That being said, being able to duplicate a pipeline would be a major time saver, as instead of having to customize the required fields for each stage, the card and board previews, and the permissions sets, I'd only have to change the deal stages that vary for the new pipeline. 


This lack of basic functionality adds a significant chunk of time to system admins' workload while proving to be incredibly redundant. 


The clone option is available in almost every other area of Hubspot seems like it should be a basic functionality for deal pipelines. My business has to have 5 seperate pipelines, all of which have similar settings and requirements, but have slightly varying deal stages. That being said, being able to duplicate a pipeline would be a major time saver, as instead of having to customize the required fields for each stage, the card and board previews, and the permissions sets, I'd only have to change the deal stages that vary for the new pipeline. 


This lack of basic functionality adds a significant chunk of time to system admins' workload while proving to be incredibly redundant. 


Please upvote this original thread on the same topic, as the more traction a thread gets, the more likely HubSpot is to add it to their roadmap.