HubSpot Ideas


Clone Deal Pipelines

Hubspot Team,


Would be great to be able to clone Deal Pipelines or have Deal Pipeline templates as many of our pipelines are similar and now we are manually reacreating pipelines that are simlar or identiacal to other pipeleines.





The clone option is available in almost every other area of Hubspot seems like it should be a basic functionality for deal pipelines. My business has to have 5 seperate pipelines, all of which have similar settings and requirements, but have slightly varying deal stages. That being said, being able to duplicate a pipeline would be a major time saver, as instead of having to customize the required fields for each stage, the card and board previews, and the permissions sets, I'd only have to change the deal stages that vary for the new pipeline. 


This lack of basic functionality adds a significant chunk of time to system admins' workload while proving to be incredibly redundant. 


Please upvote this original thread on the same topic, as the more traction a thread gets, the more likely HubSpot is to add it to their roadmap. 


@JeannieN Here is a use case for pipeline cloning.
We use the pipeline feature to manage events. We create a temporary pipeline prior to events and use it as a temporary lead management tool where stages are pre-event, during event and postevent. Once the event is done and all real opportunities are transferred to our main pipeline, we kill that pipeline.


We are open to use other features to manage the events we go to, but so far, this is the best way we found so far and the team really enjoys it as it gets them focused in these fast paced clients meeting events.


Hey @JSPrenovost , referring to your comment. I believe what you are running is a so called "seller-agent model". We have the same model, albeit not in event management.


I would be interested to know what you're setup is. When you say "kill that pipeline" do you mean "delete"? Do you mind losing all the history for those past events? (Or do you export the data to excel?)


I just launched an idea here ( that suggests both, archiving and cloning, as a solution to this seller-agent model. Feel free to give the topic an upvote.


Also interesting to know might be that @RQuinn9 was recommended to me by @JeannieN as he seems to have set up a way to run a seller-agent model with Hubspot somehow that works well. However, I haven't been able to get a hold of him yet. Maybe you want reach out to him as well...



@swissventures , we do delete the pipeline after moving all relevant information in our main pipeline(creating real deals in our pipeline, the rest are just contacts we haven't seen or talked to, so it has no real value for us.) That said all other object information are still collected(contact info, notes, etc). Otherwise, we would hit our pipeline limit and it also creates noise in our CRM.

I will look into an alternative/optimized solution once our next event is done at the end of the month.


Still no reply by HubSpot to my content.....

Being in this discussion for about 4 years now and seeing that the input by Hubspot into this topic is rare, even not existing.
I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to "clone" a pipeline, simply software-wise.
On the surface cloning is a simple idea. However "simple" it is not considering, what may or not may be the content of a chosen pipeline, when
it comes to workflows. 
We know that a workflow may be a standalone "function" with or without a working pipeline. Plus we have (small) workflows that are considered being part of a pipeline because that workflow was created within the pipeline, while building the pipeline.
Such (small) workflows are visible on the pipelines "automation" view, whereas "real" (standalone) workflows are not.
Imagine to clone a pipeline that contains both variants of such workflows (visable - not visable in pipeline automation view).

What makes me sad, is that hubspot does not address this topic in a professional manner, and tells us -the daily users-, WHY them do not implement that cloning feature.

Regarding your question about our use cases. I am very sorry to write this,  really am, but I have to:
It is not professional from your end (not yours personnally, however hupspot's) to ask paying users for their use cases.
We -as users- know (in general) what we "want" to do, yet we (sometimes) do not know "how to". Which extra information do you need to understand that. Naming use cases (most of them being pretty individual) is a dead-end-road. My guess is there a thousands of reasons, why to clone a pipeline, you could as well ask us, "why do you want to clone a workflow, give us a use case."  


For anyone interested in moving this topic forward, I've submitted a new idea here:


@JeannieN - I tried to explain the reasoning for cloning pipelines there (at least from the perspective of my usecase). Hope it helps.


@RBottin @JSPrenovost @DCL @EShoemake_sei @LBateman - please upvote, comment, reply, share. Thanks!


Yes please!


I summarized the requirements for this feature together with some practical use cases here:


Please upvote 🙂


Cloning deal pipelines would be an incredibly valuable feature for our business. As a franchise development team, we handle two distinct processes: developing new franchises and selling existing businesses. While the steps in each pipeline are nearly identical, we need to differentiate between them for accurate forecasting and more productive pipeline reviews with our sales reps.

Now, multiply that by having multiple franchise brands. As our portfolio continues to grow, so does the need for multiple pipelines.


Currently, replicating the same pipeline structure manually is time-consuming and prone to error. If I could clone pipelines, it would save hours of administrative work and allow my team to focus on higher-value activities like engaging with prospects and closing deals. This feature would make HubSpot even more efficient and user-friendly for businesses like ours, where flexibility and precision are critical.