HubSpot Ideas


Clearing Error Messages in Workflows

It's great that we can see the errors in a workflow, but it would be even better if we could clear them from the New Workflow Error Tab.


For example, I have an error messages based on a contact unsubscribing, so obviously, the email could not be sent.  This is good to know, but there is no way to clear/resolve the error.  The contact is automatically removed from the workflow, however the error message remains so it also appears on the Workflow Error tab.


Can functionality be added to manually "resolve" the error so it no longer appears on the Workflow Error Tab?

37 Kommentare

Please upvote the removal of errors!
The error messages on the workflows are hugely helpful.
But I need to see and fix new errors when they pop up. Now, me and my team are ignoring the errors as old errors that were fixed are still flagging. 

I cannot see fresh errors on the fly and need to implement a system to check and identify new errors which are causing confusion and additional processes within my team. 

Stratege/Strategin | Elite Partner

So yesterday I replied to this issue in a different thread not realizing two exist that are asking for almost the same thing. It's not a simple fix, it won't clear the errors in HS either, but it will give you realtime error reporting within your workflows. Please check out this thread and I hope that I explained the process well enough, but if not, feel free to message me with any questions about the setup.


Yes, this takes a little time initially, but the replication is obviously simple enough and you're getting instant accurate reporting that you can send to yourself, co-workers who are interested, etc..., and can even take those errors and create a list out of them or whatever may come down the road. Hopefully they create an "Error" module to do some additional nifty stuff! 


Yes! It drives me nuts I can't clear these to see if any errors are being triggered once I make changes. I can't imagine this is a difficult feature for HubSpot to implement.


same here


Came here to find out how to remove errors in workflows, and now I see you can't. What? And people (once again, as this is the second thread I am joining where literally nothing happens) have been asking for this for AGES. 

Stratege/Strategin | Elite Partner

I can update and say that they are actively working on this issue. I actually recently took place in a beta testing session to check out the new tools for error reporting and in fact showed them what I've built out (linked above) to help with real-time error reporting. The new toolset is going to be quite robust compared to what is in place now, much more intuitive to navigate, and will hopefully include a nice breadcrumb style methodology of detail levels per error.


Unfortunately I don't have details on how long it will be before it goes live, but that's one of those features you want to check @KyleJepson's LinkedIn page, or even your features page within HubSpot to find out when it goes live!


One thing that I do love most about HubSpot. They honestly listen to their user's ideas, and actually implement them as well!

Status aktualisiert zu: In Planning

Hi, Everyone,


I'm Jess, a product manager on HubSpot's Automation team. Thank you all for your input for this idea. I'm excited to share that one of the product teams is actively working on a way to clear error messages, along with some other error management enhancements! We are targeting to have these updates in Beta later this year (2022). If you are interested in participaing in the Beta, please email me at


Again, thank you all for your feedback!



This would be a great update

Status aktualisiert zu: In Beta

Hi, Everyone,


The ability to temporarily ignore errors on a workflow until they reoccur is now in Beta! To access the Beta, have a portal admin go to Product Updates > Betas >  [Public Beta] Review and Ignore Workflows At Risk...

Please do not hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions or feedback on this update!
Thank you,

Looking forward to this Beta – thanks!


Has the beta test ended by chance? Is this something now scheduled for 2023? If it hasn't ended, would love to be added to the beta test if possible. Thanks!


Status aktualisiert zu: Delivered

Hi, Everyone! 


Today, for all workflow customers, the Workflows with errors tab has been updated to At-risk workflows. Don't worry, workflow errors aren't going away - errors are a type of risk. With At-risk workflows, users can now review, prioritize, and temporarily ignore/clear workflow errors until they reoccur.


We renamed this tab in prepartion for additional types of workflow risks we will surface in the future. If you have feedback on this feature, and/or would be willing to share other types of workflow risks you would like help monitoring, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly (or start a thread here for others to upvote). 


Thank you,

Jess (




Stratege/Strategin | Elite Partner


All that's needed now, is an email or app notification!




I like that Hubspot has an error in workflow notification, but some of the errors are more noise than helpful. If I have to clear an error everytime someone unsubscribes, I'll spend a good part of my time clearing errors. I don't really consider those errors.


What I consider an error is a broken link (perhaps the web page has been archived), an unpublished email, an unsubscribe rate or bounce rate that's not healthy (rather than individual unsubs), or a trigger that's no longer firing based on an event or property. 




Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Diamond Partner

Hi @JHartnagle is there a way to permantly set certain errors not to show up in specific workflows? For example, for some workflows we may have a common occurance suh as bounced emails, which do not need to be shown as errors and are too timely to keep resolving when that error is known to occur on a specific workflow. There is now a 'ignore' option on errors but does this cover all ongoing errors of that kind or do we need to spend time clearing out known errors on a regular basis to keep the workflows that need review tab clear for catching actual errors that we need to know about for specific workflows?


@JaneMoore There is a way for Enterprise portals to set preferences for each error type a workflow encounters. If you click on a workflow on the Needs Review tab -> Then click the "Review Details" button on a row under the Issues tab -> At the top of the review panel you can set options for when you would like that error type to resurface (it's workflow specfic). I hope this helps!


@JHartnagle I would like to suggest this solution NOT be workflow specific. For instance, I have hundreds of workflows and honestly, I do not care that people are not getting emails because they're unsubscribed or a non marketing contact - I *know* this and the marketing managers know it. So as an admin, if I would set a preference elsewhere to ignore certain types of errors and surface others when they occur, this would be a huge time saver. Because who wants to spend their Friday afternoon going through hundreds of workflows, and clicking ignore on each individual one just so that when there are legitimate errors which DO matter to us, we see them. If I ignore the errors, I am not going to pay attention quickly enough when an error is thrown that is truly an issue. So I'm thinking a place in the settings where you can toggle on the types of errors we we want (turn off bounces, unsubscribed, wrong subscription types, turn on anchor and timing issues, etc). That would be a huge improvement. Thanks for listening 🙂