HubSpot Ideas


Chrome Extension : Fix problem that 1st e-mail is logged for the contact, but not for the company

Dear Hubspot Development Team.


You can find the background of this problem in the discussion:


This is confirmed problem, and it affects the day-to-day work a lot. The 1st e-mail is never logged for the company (while logged for the contact), and it forces our bizdev specialists to log 1st email manually for each new contact, which consumes a lot of time, as you can imagine.



What probably happens is: when we send the 1st e-mail, first the contact is created and e-mail is logged, and only after that the company is created, but the e-mail is not logged. 


When I send out 2nd email to this address, the company is already created by that time, so the e-mails are getting logged for the company too, no problem here. 


Possible workarounds now are:
- to log each 1st email manually, or

- to create the company manually before sending the 1st e-mail to someone from this company.


It would be good to fix this behavior to avoid workarounds described above.


Best Regards.
