"HubSpot will attempt to send a reminder email to the user who connected the account, as well as every Super Admin in the account, one week before the account needs to be reauthorized."
Allow users to choose who recieves the reminder email for social account reauthorization instead of the email being sent to all Super Admin.
Use Cases:
Some accounts have various Super Admins who do not work with the Social portion of HubSpot and would prefer not to get a reminder email every 90 days to reconnect and account they do not own.
This may also apply to partners who manager their clients' Social, where we would not want to have clients' panic every 90 days seeing that they have to reconnect their accounts.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
"This may also apply to partners who manager their clients' Social, where we would not want to have clients' panic every 90 days seeing that they have to reconnect their accounts."
Brilliant idea. Working in a large organization across many different offices, this is quite an annoyance. It also constantly creates a sense of unrealiability around Hubspot and our social platforms, as most people receieving these emails have no idea why the disconnect is happening in the first place.
We have brand managers (Doesn't set up the connections themselves) who would love to be informed when reauthorization is required. Sadly due to our organisation structure they can't be super admins.
Therefor some more ownership of these notifications would be amazing.
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