There is no setting to set the cover photo for Instagram Videos. Currently instagram video's cover photo will default to the first frame of the video, I prefer to choose the frame, especially when the first frame of the video is blank.
This fix would be very useful as currently having to post video through Instagrams app, deaming HubSpot redundant for this. It doesn't look good to have black thumbnails!
This is a massive pain for me and my client. Looks terrible having a black frame on the feed. We'll have to move our video scheduling elsewhere until this is fixed.
Another upvote from me, this is a crucial feature for posting videos and would therefore create a lot of value for us as Hubspot customers.. Please update this feature soon
We second this, it really needs to be addressed. It's really inconvenient to be using multiple platforms to post to Instagram. Please update this soon as it is a cruicial part of having your Instagram being aestetically appealing!!
Hello, after over two years: What happened with that extremely useful feature? I still cannot find any way to choose the cover picture on Instagram videos, or is there a way I just don't know about? Any help highly appreciated 🙂
Any upodate on this? Unless your video has something on the first frame and not a fade it will show up blank. On Instagram you just add a video cover but this feature is nto available with HubSpot.