HubSpot Ideas


Chatflow Email Capture Customization

It would be a great feature to give more customization options for a chatflow to ask the user for their email. Currently the 3 available options are:

  • Ask for email immediatly
  • Ask after 1 minute
  • Never ask

We would like to see these options added:

  • Ask for email only during offline hours or if no agent is available
  • Ask after X minutes (allow us to specify the timing, so it's not hard coded to 1 minute)
1 Comentario

+1, I also need to capture the email right away with the first message. 

Would be amazing if it would be possible to get the email from the site itself as in our use case the chat would only be available to some of the users and never to unknown visitors. We already have all the email addresses and now we just need to utilise them.