It would be very helpful to see how much time chat representatives are set to available. Currently, reps could set themselves to away without supervisors knowing and ultimately reducing the number of incoming chats. In order to analyze reps effectiveness we need to know if they are remaining online throughout the day.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
Rep availability inside and outside of working hours
Access new data points in theCustom Report Builderto create your own custom reports by selecting the data source "user" and then selecting "user availability properties":
Availability Status = The high-level availability status for a user: available or away.
Availability status drill-down = Additional information about a user’s availability status.
Count of available users = The total number of users with an availability status set to available.
Object ID = The name of the user.
Time in availability status = The length of time a user spent in an availability status.
Timestamp = The specific point in time when a user entered the respective availability status.
Rep availability inside and outside of working hours
Access new data points in theCustom Report Builderto create your own custom reports by selecting the data source "user" and then selecting "user availability properties":
Availability Status = The high-level availability status for a user: available or away.
Availability status drill-down = Additional information about a user’s availability status.
Count of available users = The total number of users with an availability status set to available.
Object ID = The name of the user.
Time in availability status = The length of time a user spent in an availability status.
Timestamp = The specific point in time when a user entered the respective availability status.
Rep availability inside and outside of working hours
Access new data points in theCustom Report Builderto create your own custom reports by selecting the data source "user" and then selecting "user availability properties":
Availability Status = The high-level availability status for a user: available or away.
Availability status drill-down = Additional information about a user’s availability status.
Count of available users = The total number of users with an availability status set to available.
Object ID = The name of the user.
Time in availability status = The length of time a user spent in an availability status.
Timestamp = The specific point in time when a user entered the respective availability status.
Rep availability inside and outside of working hours
Access new data points in theCustom Report Builderto create your own custom reports by selecting the data source "user" and then selecting "user availability properties":
Availability Status = The high-level availability status for a user: available or away.
Availability status drill-down = Additional information about a user’s availability status.
Count of available users = The total number of users with an availability status set to available.
Object ID = The name of the user.
Time in availability status = The length of time a user spent in an availability status.
Timestamp = The specific point in time when a user entered the respective availability status.
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