HubSpot Ideas


Chat Rep Availability Reporting

It would be very helpful to see how much time chat representatives are set to available. Currently, reps could set themselves to away without supervisors knowing and ultimately reducing the number of incoming chats.  In order to analyze reps effectiveness we need to know if they are remaining online throughout the day.  

42 Comentarios
Miembro | Partner nivel Diamond


Miembro | Partner nivel Elite

Exactly! my clients what to have visibility if their teams are being available in their working ours in order to correcrtly meassure them 


This would be a useful feature.


100X upvote!  This is definitely needed.. This is a very important part of tracking KPIs for a support team who is managing tickets.  This is even more critical in a remote environment.


Hola.. quiero sabersi puedo generar un reporte de disponibilidad de los usuarios en chat, es decir que em diga que dias y a que horas estuvi activo


+1 - would be very usefull


We desperately need this ability. To see a report of who was "Available" at what times. How else do you confirm you are providing the coverage promised to your customers? How does a manager know that agents on their team worked their chat shift times? 


+1 - very yes

Would be lovely to be able to report on any changes in availability over a period of time (e.g. a line graph representing available or not available for multiple staff, a KPI to indicate the average number of availability changes over a period of time, or even just a simple table representing a summary of all availability status changes for multiple staff over a period of time.

HubSpot Employee





I’ve just implemented a user based workflow that tracks when support agents change their availability status, and it automatically logs this information into a Google Sheet. The workflow captures the agent's name, the status change (either "Away" or "Available"), and the exact timestamp of the change.


@sironcesar That sounds really good, any chance you can share the workflow setup?


Man this worked a treat, thanks for that!

Here's how I implemented it from the above description:






Mine just posts to a slack channel I made for this purpose.


Sure, here a few steps that may help:

  • First, verify if your HubSpot account has the Google Sheets app linked. Go to the app marketplace, search for Google Sheets, and install it. If it's already installed, you will need to know who installed it. Google Sheets will only appear as an option in workflows if the sheet is shared with the person who installed the app on your HubSpot account.




  • Create a user-based workflow.


  • Set the trigger to "when an event occurs" with the following criteria. You can add filters if needed. In my case, I added filters for the main teams in HubSpot.

  • Enable re-enrollment by turning on the option to "Allow users to re-enroll after completing the workflow."




Create a Google Sheets action, which will be at the bottom of the menu that appears on the left. In the action, choose your spreadsheet, the worksheet, and the headers or columns you want to log. For each column, map the corresponding user properties. In my case, I used the following user properties:

  • Email
  • Name (choose the "full name" option)
  • Availability Status
  • Object last modified date/time (logs the time of the status change)
  • Updated by user ID (logs the ID of the person who made the last change)


This setup works well in most cases, but if a user changes their availability status very quickly (several times in a short period), it may log incorrect information. This can happen because the workflow might not have enough time to complete before the next change is registered. However, this is generally not an issue, as it's rare for users to switch their availability that rapidly. In most cases, the workflow functions reliably.



@JPitcher and @sironcesar Thank you both for your detailed explanation!

I just followed your steps and thought I was there but then when testing I noticed a strange code appareaing in the last modified time place.


I use the correct "Object last modified date/time" property in the Hubspot Workflow. But in Google Sheets I get the following:



Any ideas?


I believe Google sheets should be able to sort out what that number is if you tell it to convert the cell values in that column to a date.


i solve this using EPOCHTODATE(C2;2)-"03:00:00"


I followed the instructions in this article to get the correct date/time: Add data to Google Sheets with workflows (

You can also convert dates from milliseconds in Google Sheets by adding the following formula to a separate column in the spreadsheet: =(A1)/1000/60/60/24 + DATE(1970,1,1). Replace A1 with the column that the unix timestamp is in.

If you need to adjust for GMT, you can add or subtract hours based on your time zone. To do this, you need to adjust the formula by adding or subtracting milliseconds from A1. For example, if you're in GMT-3, the formula would look like this:
(A1-10800000)/1000/60/60/24 + DATE(1970,1,1).

After applying the formula, make sure to adjust the number format of the cell to "Date" in the Google Sheets settings.

Estado actualizado a: In Beta
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Hi @AmandaStutzman & everybody who upvoted this idea, we currently have a public beta that for Rep Availability Reporting that would enable the following reporting:


  • Maximum available reps by hour of day
  • % Rep availability by availability status
  • Rep availability inside and outside of working hours

Feel free to ungate your portal and let me know what you think - curious to hear your feedback!



@mollmann When clicking this link I am given the error "Product update was not found." Also not finding it in search.

Any insight on this?


Thanks in advance!