HubSpot Ideas


Change the text on free crm "Edited with HubSpot"

Using a free product I can totally appreciate the advertising. I do not like the wording chosen. "Edited with HubSpot" does not truly reflect what is happening.   Can this PLEASE be adjusted so it does not look like you are "Editing" our emails?



6 Commentaires

"Sent with Hubspot"  or "Powered by Hubspot"

would be preferable


"Powered by Hubpot" sounds even better in marketing speak for the Hubspot company and I, too, would rather see this than "edited" since it implies a 3rd party may be editing our confidential emails.


I have 2 requests / suggestions:


  1. For "Marketing" emails (i.e. mass mails), the free version can contain a branding, but the wording should be changed. I favor "Powered by HubSpot". The unfortunate term "Edited" implies that you (HubSpot) manipulated the mail content

  2. For individual mails sent directly to a contact from the "Contacts" page, there should be NO branding - even during the trial phase. Such a branding conveys the message to the client or prespect, that all conversation is tracked in HubSpot and that there's an organized sales process behind the conversation. This may be fine for "cold" acquisitions, but not if HubSpot shall be used as a CRM where relationships already exist.
    It makes the whole Email functionality absolutely unusable as long as a free account is used. As a consequence, I am for example struggling to get management buy in for a larger HubSpot trial involving more users as long as this branding is present.


HubSpot people, have you done the sums to work out how much business you generate by adding this, compared to how much you lose because people are turned off by it and go elsewhere?


I'm just starting out, and trialling HubSpot for sending sales emails, and don't want to look like an amateur with essentially a watermark on every email I send - have you considered this, that you're making your users look less professional, and therefore less likely to succeed, in order to try and upsell them?


Unless you're absolutely raking in the cash as a result of this ugly little email footer, I'd strongly recommend ditching it.

Statut mis à jour : Delivered
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Thank you all for the feedback here! This text has been updated to "Powered by HubSpot" to more accurately reflect the functionality.


Just retesting HubSpot Free again after some years and discovered that HubSpot automatically adds a "Powered by HubSpot" the footer of each outgoing e-mail. There does not appear to be an option to switch off this silly behavior. This "feature" had neither been declared clearly before people register for the free editions, nor it is reasonable to expect users to delete that unwanted footer from each outgoing e-mail.


There must be an option to turn off the HubSpot branding in the free editions. It must be added soon.