Agreed, this is a MUST HAVE!! I bill my clients monthly for services. The services are provided based on a calendar month, and not a 30 day period. So if the person signs up on the 15th of the month and then has their payments deducted on the 15 for several months, but for some reason needs to change their payment date to the first of the month (ie: maybe their job and cash flow changed for and now they need to have withdrawals on the 1st rather than the 15th). I need to be able to not only change the date, but also to not prorate the payment, as it doesn't matter to me if they pay on the 1st or the 15th, it is still for the full month that the payment is made.
In addition to this, I recommend Hubspot also allow us to change the NUMBER of FIXED PAYMENTS in a subscription. I simply need to change a cohort subscription from 24 payments to 23, but it requires me to cancel and start over, which requires our customer to go through the sign-up all over again.
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