PLEASE change your font back to the old one 🤓 the current one makes my eyes hurt and I feel irritatingly wasted when looking at it, especially when checking the task overview which makes it all the more worse 😂 Please please feedback to your design / product team I can't handle. Also hope I am not the only one feeling this way because that would actually make me the problem 😂
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I have been receiving a mass of messages from my users. They HATE it. It is causing eye strain. Especially the bolding of ALL tasks. Please let us choose how we want to display the fonts in HubSpot.
I could not agree more. It's harder to read and looks cartoonish. Apparently this is due to some kind of licensing issue with the typography used, but I don't understand how that's not circumventable for a global giant like HubSpot.
From the support team: "At this time there isn't a way to change the font .. we are receiving tons of feedback on it but I am not sure if there will be any changes soon."
Hopefully this is getting some traction (internally) at HubSpot! It needs to be reverted - or as I suggested previously, allow account owners to choose their own system font from a few options.
I liked the old one because it flowed better. The t's made the words easier to read because of it's little "tail" at the bottom. It's a nice combination between serif and sans serif. The new font is also fatter so it looks a more childish. It's so bulky and hard to read. We have to go back to the old font!
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