HubSpot Ideas


Change color scheme of all reports - Even Hubspot curated ones

When using analytic tools, or default HS reports, you are unable to customize the color.  Dashboards appear messy and disorganized when the scheme is not consistant.  Perhaps being able to edit the color scheme for an entire dashboards reports would save time and be really affective for visually differntiating dashboards from one another.  

Who:  The Ops team needs to quickly access information.  I am a Rev Ops Co-ordinator and this would really help! 

What:  Goal is to have a quick visual cue, letting viewers know they are on the right dashboard

Value:  This will help speed up dashboard and report veiwing.  It would also enable some teams to be color coded contiguously.  


Please also add calculation options to reports!

Like what percent of my team is reaching their goals?

George has complete ____% of their weekly goal

X Pipeline holds X% revenue at this stage for this many days.

The ability to show calculations or insert calculations into reporting would be amazing!!!!

That also means if I understand the math, but not how certain properties affect a reports results, calculations can still be shown visually in Dashboards.



Please please please!!!

Can you allow for Dashboards to be organized, moved into specific order, put into folders and shared / visible by specific people? Currently it's everyone or no one.  I know there's the email option, but it would be cool if self discovery was a little friendlier.  


Thanks so much for reviewing this! 




22 Commentaires

+1 too please, very frustrating for non consistent styling of reports.


This is now available in most report types. For Custom Reports go to Chart Settings > Color Palette, and in standard reports ou can now choose a color straight from visualization page: 
