HubSpot Ideas


Change activity assigned to property

We need to change the activity owner for emails/calls etc so that we can update our reporting (we've had an email address format change since we started using HS, so now the legacy activities are showing up on reports as separate to new email format).


Please could this be added?

28 Replies

This would be make or break for us to be able to continue using HubSpot as we have people making appointments on people behalf. Find it hard to understand wehy this feature is not already available. 


Seems every other CRM I have worked with has it.



+1, management doesn't log their own meetings, usually assistants do so this is a necessary feature


Agree this is 100% needed. Also the ability to assign activities, such as meetings, to more than 1 staff member


I'm also seeing where a call is made by "rep 1" however it is attributed to "rep 2" because "rep 2" is the owner.  Now "rep 1" isn't getting credit for the calls that they are making. 


Yeah, it's odd because per hubspot's own definitions there's both


  • Activity assigned to: the HubSpot owner who is assigned an activity.
  • Activity created by: the HubSpot owner who created an activity.


But I just had a conversation with hubspot tech support and "assigned to" is the same as the person who created it.


We are struggling with this also as we use meeting bookers sometimes, but the meetings should be assigend to the person actually going to the meeting. And me as an admin canät fix this either..


Is there any update as to when this will be available? 


This is absolutely a must. We alreday are using a workaround when someone books a meeting on someone elses behalf. Now we are struggling with this issue also as we have team changes and we need to keep the legacy activities assigned to "old" users.

Top Contributor

I suggest changing the  ownership through the Calendar integration-- 


Meetings/activities have two properties:

Activity Created By
Activity Assigned To

Although you can't edit these properties within hubspot, you can indirectly by editing ownership of the actual event on your calendar. 'Activity Created By' is set based on who creates the meeting. 
However, to edit 'Activity Assigned To' of the desired meeting, change ownership of the event on your calendar (ie google/exchange). If the integration is setup correctly, then once the recieving party accepts ownership, that meeting's 'Activity Assigned To' property will be updated accordingly. 
@JWestbrook HS must be referring to the actualy calendar event in those definitions. 



I think that Outlook does not provide a way to change a meeting organizer. There's a workaround which  is a convenient solution for the new organizer to easily create a duplicate meeting; though they will still have to manually set the date and time. I think that those Sales organizations which have a model where meetings are booked by SDR on behalf of the Sales person this functionality to edit "assigned to" is essential. Otherwise we should use woraround which start to make things complicated.



Participant | Diamond Partner

This is a most wanted feature - not only for the cases where employees leave the company, but also for meetings that were set up by a meeting booker but is to be held by a sales rep (who should therefore be assigned ownership of the meeting)


Yep. We're having this problem w/ SDRs scheduling meetings for AEs and it's messing up our reporting 


Yes. We're having this problem w/ SDRs scheduling meetings for AEs and it's messing up our reporting too. 

Can you inprove this @hubspot ?? As a global company it will be super helpfull to Sales Ops departments, Managers, Data and Grow, based on individual performance and connecting teams. 


Top Contributor

Just discovered another edge case where this could be useful-- an sdr booked a meeting with a prospect but their calendar wasn't connected. 


The rep's calendar that it was booked on was connected to hubspot-- thus the meeting activity was created under their name (Not the SDR). 


Would have been AWESOME in that case if we could have changed the activity created by and activity assigned to properties. Instead we had to delete the meeting and log it again... just to make sure the reports based on activity `Created By` were accurate.


P.s. It's also now clear to me that Hubspot has the capability to roll out this feature. Because I realized in this instance that Created by DOES NOT equal Scheduled By. Because even after we connected their calendar, the meeting activity still showed in reports as being Created by the other rep not SDR. 


I hate commenting multiple times on these threads but this flexibility around meetings is really important.. Especially for those of us using Meetings as a primary lead indicator. 


agree with the above. Admins book appts on behalf of other individuals and we are unable to create accurate meeting reports. There should be an option to select a "meeting host" or somethig of that nature to ensure the tally of meetings are associated with the right salesperson, etc... 


HS should have the capability to do this. Meetings are being logged for tracking purposes and you should be able to capture the meeting host, so they can identify who was on the call. There should be a way to change the "activity assigned to" when booking.


I agree with the above sentiment - We routinely have users scheduling meetings for others and the ability to log and track who each meeting pertains to is vital. Without reporting in Hubspot being able to capture the meeting host vs. organizer, there is clearly missing data in our reporting on the system.


We have admin taking care of logging emails, calls and meetings on behalf of business development managers or sales reps (management in general) and it's a massive issue for us not to have the possibility for a user to record these data on behalf of another user as our reporting system cannot show accurate data as a result. Our company KPIs are based on this data. Also, this is quite traditional for companies to have assistants or admin persons to take care of these tasks on behalf of management.  


This is problematic as people don’t always book their own meetings and we will need to be able to track who held meetings.


I can't believe that this request has been in for 3 years and hasn't been integrated into Hubspot...come on guys