HubSpot Ideas


Change Influenced Revenue in Campaign Analytics

According to the support team, the Influenced Revenue in Campaign Analtyics is "an imperfect metric at the moment because we include all deals associated with these contacts."


This means that "any deal that is associated with any influenced contact is brought into [the] influenced revenue figure, regardless of when the deal was closed."


We need the ability to have influenced revenue look at deals that were Created and Closed AFTER the campaign was created and Created BEFORE the campaign was created but Closed AFTER the campaign was created.


An added layer of complexity is the report date range filters. I think we need to have the report dates impact how the revenue looks. For example, if I filter to see contacts influenced by a campain within the last 90 days, we shouldn't see deals that closed in a windo prior to that 90 days.


Here's the best way I can illustrate this:

Campaign Influence Report to view "Contacts influenced for the past 90 days"

Inbound 18 Campaign, Created 1/1/18

Inbound 17 Camapaign, Created 1/1/17

Today's date: 8/08/18

Look back range: 8/06/18 to 5/08/18


Let's say there are two deals associated to one contact:

Contact Name: Bobby A Smith

Deal 1 Created 12/10/17

Deal 1 Closed 1/15/18

Deal 1 Amount: $5,000

Campaign(s) Associated: "Inbound 17 Campaign" and "Inbound 18 Campaign"


Deal 2 Created 1/10/18

Deal 2 Closed 5/10/18

Deal 2 Amount: $1,000

Campaign(s) Associated: "Inbound 18 Campaign"



My proposal is that deals could appear as influenced in two ways.

  1. Deals created after the campaign was created and have closed within the dates that you are filtering in the influence report AND contacts were influenced by the campaign.
  2. Deals created before the campaign was created but closed after the campaign was created AND a contact was influenced by the campaign.

In the above example, Deal 1 would appear against rule 1. 

Based on Rule 1 (above), the results for the "Inbound 18 Campaign" should be $1,000 of influenced revenue based on the create date of the deal. This is because the deal was created after the campaign was created and closed after it was created.


In the above example, Deal 1 and 2 would appear against rule 2.

Based on Rule 2 (above), the results for the "Inbound 18 Campaign" should be $6,000 of influenced revenue based on the close date of the deal. This is because the deal was created before the campaign was created and closed after it was created.


I think the data would need to appear in two different columns:

Influenced Revenue: Created and Closed

Influenced Revenue: Closed


The columns would have tool tips to explain how these columns are calculated.


Taking it to another level, interesting and perhaps useful data would be:

Influenced Revenue: Created Deals 
This would be all deals created within that lookup window and associated to that campaign


I think the default behavior should be that all deals should not be included in "Influenced Revenue" unless the deal was created after the campaign was created.


These other metrics I'm proposing should be additional and optional to add to your columns in the report.

Actualizaciones de HubSpot
Estado actualizado a: Delivered
April 23, 2020 08:20 AM

For Marketing Hub Enterprise users, Influenced Revenue has been replaced by Attributed Revenue. When a contact engages with a campaign, you will now see revenue attributed to this campaign based on the interactions of associated contacts when deals are closed/won. Marketing Hub Enterprise users can click into the metric to see a detailed breakout of the revenue interactions. You can also find more detail about how campaigns are performing in the report builder.


Marketing Hub Professional users will continue to see the Influenced Revenue metric for the time being.

22 Comentarios

Please consider adding attribution reporting to the Marketing Professional Hub — the only way I can possibly make a business case for increased investment in HubSpot is to actually prove out the relationship between marketing activities and revenue. If we think of Enterprise as being for large businesses and Pro for smaller, this feature is even more essential to empower what is often a one-person marketing team. 

Participante | Partner nivel Platinum

Please, PLEASE add the attribution reporting to the Marketing Professional Hub as well. Otherwise the Campaign Tool ist pretty much useless.