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Change From address for Quote eSign verification email
PROBLEM: When a client signs the quote using hellosign, the confirmation email titled "Please verify your identity to sign your quote" is sent from<> and frequently goes to the signers spam folder, which is a HUGE pain to identify and many deals are thought to be signed by the signer when the contract is not yet fully executed. This problem is compounded when there are multiple signers on a contract.
PROPOSED SOLUTION: Allow our company to customize the sent from email address to be specific to our company, then allow our company to update our SPF record and DMARC to allow the email to be sent from our email address to use our email reputation.
+1 here - every piece of the sales process is customized except for this one part. Hopefully the product team is looking at this.
The other massive annoyance here is that even with the transactional email add-on, there is no log of the email having been sent, the result is that we end up with these email we are highly dependent upon, but no insignt into whether they were delivered or not.
This feature will create value for us in the sence that it will look much more professional and secure when the sending domain actually is from the involved party.
We need to be able to customize the email address this is being sent from, as well as customize the email itself. For example, we have more than one brand, and we don't want the wrong logo appearing in the email, or the wrong email address.
But ... from what I see, this request was put up in early 2020, and it's almost 2023 ... my guess is this is not going to be changed any time soon, which is pretty much what happens with this black hole called "Hubspot Ideas".
The request to add new ideas instead of solving problems seems to be a version of "Ctrl+Alt+Del" that Support Reps at Hubspot default to telling customers to do! 🙂
It feels more like a bug that the from-address isn't the same as the emailaddres the quote has been sent with.
Did anyone received a response from Hubspot? Their are quite a lot of people reporting problems with receiving the email. It makes the automisation of the quotation process unreliable and time consuming for both our company as our clients.
Upvoting. The verification email only gets through to 50% of prospects who receive our quotes. Asking them to allowlist an email address up-front is not a tenable solution.
Very much needed. There's been too many issues our clients are experiencing with the quote acceptation process through this e-mail. Any updates on this?
This is a major blocker to using the Quotes feature. We are B2B Saas, have 60+ day sales cycles, and right when we're at the finish line with customers, they often don't receive the verification email because their firewall blocks a new, unknown sender. When this happens at the end of the month, where we are incentivizing customers to sign, it becomes a ridiculous impediment. This is a critical feature.
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