HubSpot Ideas


Calculated Fields Rounding (Allow calculated properties to display a whole number)

The current behavior for calculated properties is to round to two (or more) decimal places. It would be helpful to instead allow results to be rounded to the nearest whole number (an integer) – instead of two decimal places. Even better would be to either round or adjust decimal places up or down like in Excel.


This would allow more flexibility when presenting data as a Report in a Dashboard. Usually in a chart or other visualization showing accuracy down to .01 is unnecessary.


Stated differently, please add the ability to adjust calculated properties to either display a whole number or precisely specify the number of decimal places.

Status aktualisiert zu: Being Reviewed
June 01, 2022 01:11 PM

Hi folks,

I’m Shay, the Product Manager for HubSpot’s Properties.

Thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. I'm happy to report that we have reviewed this idea and currently researching how our team will implement it!  

The product development process is always filled with unexpected bumps and hurdles, so I can't give a timeline, but I am confident in saying we'll deliver this feature as soon as possible.


All updates will be relayed on this thread, so stay tuned!



Status aktualisiert zu: Being Reviewed
December 02, 2020 10:13 AM

Hi all, I'm Jeff from the HubSpot product team.


Thanks for this feedback. Improving calculation property functionality is under consideration for upcoming roadmap. No definite timetable or changes yet, but please keep the upvotes and use cases coming. It helps with designing a solution and prioritizing.




74 Kommentare

I'm actually really surprised that a calculation property won't allow you to round the figure to two decimal places!! I'd have thought this was a given, especially if you're talking monetary values!! Definitely needed. 


I'd like to be able to round up dates to a specific future date.  

Eg I'd like to create a new property against our deals which is a "payout date". This takes a current date property we have ("project start date") and groups deals by rounding up the project start date i to two groups for the "payout date". 


For the "payout date", I'd like all deals with "project start date"  between 1st-15th of each month to be given a 15th of the month "payout date". For all "project start dates" between 15th and end of month, to be given an end of month "payout date". 

This allows us to run workflows to determine payments to some companies in our database. 

Stratege/Strategin | Platinum Partner

@RGonnu Thanks for the tip - will try that out.


@jeffvincent Is there any update on this please? As standard in Salesforce, you can set the decimal places at the point of creating the equivalent of a calculated property. The requirement to set either no decimal places, 2 dp or more is fundamental to good presentation of data in reports and analyses.


Status aktualisiert zu: Being Reviewed

Hi folks,

I’m Shay, the Product Manager for HubSpot’s Properties.

Thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. I'm happy to report that we have reviewed this idea and currently researching how our team will implement it!  

The product development process is always filled with unexpected bumps and hurdles, so I can't give a timeline, but I am confident in saying we'll deliver this feature as soon as possible.


All updates will be relayed on this thread, so stay tuned!



Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner

@shajones thanks so much for the update, hope your team is able to come up with a good solution and push it out soon.

Stratege/Strategin | Platinum Partner

Thanks for the update @shajones - look forward to seeing this functionality introduced soon 🚀




Our problem is that I need even less rounding! Hopefully, this update will allow users to choose either side of the spectrum.


We have a calculation deal property called "NRI" that needs to go out 8 decimals (0.00000000). Currently, it only calculates out to four decimals and then rounds.
This is a big problem for us as those four decimals equate to massive differences when splitting up a Well's revenue. Think of NRI as the coefficient representing your slice of the pie.
Calculation: NRI = Interest * Lease Royalty
  • Our "Interest" is 0.002356
  • The "Lease Royalty" is .625
  • Correct "NRI" output = .00147250
  • Current "NRI" output = .0015

If anyone knows of a workaround for this, let me know!


Ya, we also need 0 decimal points - all reports, graphs on dashboards, etc show two - which isn't required for our purposes.  But I understand that others want more detail so being able to set it for example from 8+ dp to 0 dp would seem to work.

Teilnehmer/-in | Platinum Partner

How's this coming along HubSpot?


I'm sure I'm not the only one who needs this for multiple clients, with various parameters and needs.  A 'one size fits all' doesn't work when you have a dozen clients wearing 6 different sizes: it ends up fitting almost no one.  


This is over 3 years old now.   


This feature is required as sharing the proposal with not round off figures, looks unprofessional. Request and suggestion is to please add this feature immediately 


Much needed!!


much needed! 


@Deflow - this is brilliant. I just built this and it worked great, thank you!!

Ratgeber/-in | Elite Partner

Hi There


I just had a look at this feed and I know there was an update from @shajones on this on 1 June 2022 but with CPQ being more critical and payments integrations are being added. There are now also a host of calculated properties people want to build in Hubspot for product dimensions (floor area etc in construction, storage container capacity in logistics and more), this just becomes more critical as HubSpot becomes more involved in Operations activities it needs to allow users more flexibility to manage the figures being inputted and then being calculated so that we can all work from the same data.


I'd love to see how this improves as it is quickly going to inhibit businesses from using HubSpot as their ultimate source of truth for data.


@RGonnu thank you for the workaround. I wanted an integer output, and in my case, I divided by 1,000,000 and multiplied by 1,000,000 and the decimals were cut off due to the limits of HubSpots calculated fields.  In my case, it was calculated time between 2 dates, so the millisecond conversion was also needed. When I used 1,000 there were still too many decimals for me. 


Hopefully this workaround works for everyone looking for rounded DOWN outputs in calculated fields. 


I would echo that allowing calculated properties to have formatting would be incredibly useful - for instance, we have a calculated property that is Average Deal Size in dollars and often they have 5-6 decimals.


I would also like to echo that topic. After calculations our prices also often have 5-6 decimals - we are using additional number fields and copying the amaount using formating workflow - but I noticed that also in this case the formating somtimes does not work properly...


This would be great to have! 


Bring it on! Much needed, but the workaround from @TMitchell7 worked brilliantly!


Very much needed! I can't send costs to my client that look like $1585.4003!