Calculated Fields Rounding (Allow calculated properties to display a whole number)
The current behavior for calculated properties is to round to two (or more) decimal places. It would be helpful to instead allow results to be rounded to the nearest whole number (an integer) – instead of two decimal places. Even better would be to either round or adjust decimal places up or down like in Excel.
This would allow more flexibility when presenting data as a Report in a Dashboard. Usually in a chart or other visualization showing accuracy down to .01 is unnecessary.
Stated differently, please add the ability to adjust calculated properties to either display a whole number or precisely specify the number of decimal places.
Can't believe this has been asked for since 2019 and not implemented. We used PandaDoc and Hubspot Tokens to fill in customer quotes and calculate tax, etc. It looks terrible seeing 4 decimal places. Equation option for custom fields needs to be able to select a format option - currency, decimal (places), integer, etc.
Please Hubspot this is important for so many people.
Here is a work around that helped our company with the same issue, hopefully it will be useful for someone else too. (Ignore the names, this was just a functionality test).
Calculated Value =
Number Value =
Essentially you need a workflow that copies one property (the calculated one) to another property (number value):
The property value should be currency or formatted in order to achieve this effect of only 2 decimal places.
Note this is just a temporary solution until Hubspot continues to develop its user funcationality.
@RGonnu This works (worked) great. It seems that Hubspot added two decimals to their calculation somewhere June/July so now it needs to be 1,000,000 instead of 10,000
I have a similar issue with calculated ranges. I'm using a calculated range to work out the age of contacts (time between their birthday and today's date), but it rounds to the nearest year. So someone that is e.g. 23 years and 7 months old will be displayed as 24 years old.
Some sort of ability to specify how (or if) a calculated range is rounded would be a game-changer. it's much less useful as is.
I'd love to hear if someone was figured out a work around for calculating a contact's age. anything I've found so far doesn't quite work.
We also need this. It would also help if I could set a unit in the calculated field. My instance will only show me a number, rather than showing a dollar amount.
Definitely would love to see the ability to round to a whole number for all currency fields! You almost never need to know the amount down to cents when viewing a pipeline or repot. Any update on this feature coming HubSpot?
This would be very helpful. Converting a time between calculated property into weeks and the resulting calculation is 6 decimals long. Would like it to just round to the closest integer. Thanks!