HubSpot Ideas


Calculate the total price by only changing the billing frequency to "one-time payment

We offer products with monthly prices. Customers can pay monthly or make a one-time payment, where they pay the total price of the fixed period, e.g. 3 month. 


Settings for monthly payment:
Produkt: A

Period in month: 3 

Billing frequency: monthly

price per unit: 3986,50€

total price in quote: 23.919€


We can change that individually in the quote by editing the price, changing the period to 0 and choosing one-time payment.


New Settings fpr one-time payment:

Produkt: A

Period in month: 0

Billing frequency: one-time

price per unit: 23.919€

total price in quote: 23.919€


Like this, our quotes are missing the information about the period. But by leaving the period at 3, the customers may think that they will have to pay that total price monthly.


Wouldn't it make more sence to leave everything as it is and only change to "one-time payment", so that the system calculates the total price itself? 


Recommended settings:

Produkt: A

Period in month: 3 

Billing frequency: one-time

price: 3986,50€ 

total price in quote (automatically calculated): 23.919€


This way, customers would know that they are paying the total price for the shown period.


P.S.: We dont use the Payments Tool from HubSpot. For us its just about the way the information is presented in the quote.