HubSpot Ideas


Calculate and Report on the Time between Two Properties

I would like to create a custom report where i can see how much time my contacts spend in each stage of their Contact Lifecycle. I am looking for something much like the "time in deal stage" available for deals.


I know that hubspot has the "became a lead date", "became an opportunity", "became a customer date" properties, but I can't seem to get any good report using these.


Actualizaciones de HubSpot
Estado actualizado a: Delivered
July 17, 2020 10:49 AM

Hey all! It's been awesome to see so much interest in the Time Between properties beta. After consulting with the team, I'm going to move up the public release of this feature to Monday. Hang tight over the weekend and you'll have this feature soon! With that update, I am marking this community post as "delivered".


There were a whole bunch of comments added on to this post that are really about current time in stage, which as I mentioned previously, is a separate challenge altogether and something that will take considerable research to do right.


To make sure your input is heard, please take the conversation about that topic over to this Community post. Give it plenty of upvotes if you care, so we can prioritize it properly. Thanks!

Estado actualizado a: In Beta
July 13, 2020 03:29 PM

Hey all! It was really informative (if a little painful at times) to read all the comments on this post.


Excited to share we've released a new kind of calculated property into beta: "Time Between" properties.


Time Between properties take two existing date properties (like "became a lead date" and "became a customer date") and calculates the duration between them. It's just what you need for creating reports like "average time spent in lifecycle stage" or "average time for Enterprise leads from initial conversion to Go Live", etc. The feedback on the beta so far has been terrific, we're on target to release to all Pro and Enterprise customers in the coming weeks. If you want into the beta, just reply to this update and I'll get your hubs added.

Next: There are SO MANY comments on this post about wanting to measure time spent from entering a stage to today. I want to re-iterate that while that seems basic, creating that functionality that also works with the rest of the HubSpot tools (like Workflows and Reportings) is incredibly difficult to do well and at scale. While that functionality is not part of the initial Time Between properties launch, we are working very hard (think multiple conversations with many, many smart HubSpotters weekly) to figure out how we can make it work. I look forward to updating you all on that soon.

Re: Create "Time in Lifecycle stage" report - changed to: Being Reviewed
April 09, 2020 11:15 AM

We are investigating building out a "Time in Lifecycle Stage" report to provide more insights into contact changes. 

182 Comentarios

This is very important to fix


 This needs to happen as soon as possible as this is a major need in relation to forcasting and analysis for our buisness developemnt team.


As many other users have already said I would also like to be able to track the time spend in a specific deal stage. Not only after someone left that stage, but during they are in that stage. I want to be able to spot deals that are lingering in a deal stage to long. 


Having the ability to easily see the "time in stage" regardless of when a deal was created is very important.  This was my first upvote after trying to create custom reports for the the past couple of days.


Thanks guys/gals


Hi @MSween-- Welcome aboard!


If you're looking for an interim solution, I've created a Google Sheet with a formula that does exactly what we're asking in this thread. I just export my Deals every week for a snapshot, run the formula, and I've got a data point. After 18+ weeks we're seeing really engaging trends. Said trends are way less optimistic than the Hubspot report would lead you to believe, of course, since with this sheet I'm able to include clients that are stuck in a particular stage, not just the clients who have moved from one stage to the next. 

Anyway. If you'd like to mess with the spreadsheet yourself, here it is!

Note that we've created three custom date fields that Sales and Customer Success manually update after a client's signed or gone live. Anyway, hope this helps someone besides me. I need to do a weekly export to get my data points, but it only takes me a couple minutes now. 




I have a simlar request. I would like to see each deal as a horizontal multi-colored bar where each color in the bar represents a deal stage and the length of that color within the bar equals the time in that stage. The y-axis (vertical) woud be company name. Each company could have multiple bars in succession, horizontally, ensuring that you are always working on a deal for a particular customer. In my business we typically are looking to get a proposal in front of our clients quarterly. 


Hubspotters -- it's a bit shocking that this is still an issue after being posted on the board for almost a year.  So much aboout Hubspot centers on the concepts of "lifecycle stages" and "conversion" from one stage to another. The primary visual offered (deal funnel) to represent these processes is providing false and misleading information.  Please fix!    


This report as it currently sits creates havoc & frustration.  Please fix this.



There is already a very useful "Time in Deal Stage" panel. It would ver very useful to have a "Time in Lifecycle stage" one. 

Knowing how much time a contact spent in a stage and how much it takes to move thorugh the pipeline is a nice metric to improve sales and communication process. Very useful for and Account Excecutive or a VP of Sales or whoever is in charge of optimizing and getting better performance.




Need this.


+1. It will really help us understand whether certain deals have been stuck in a stage for too long and require our attention. Pipedrive has this function and it's very helpful.


This would be key to us understanding and improving pipeline performance.


Our organization would also like to be able to calcuate the number of days a deal is in a particular deal stage (while it is in the stage). Currently, I understand this feature only works looking backwards (i.e., it is calcualted after a deal moves from a specifics stage into another). 

No aplicable

Hi All,


It is possible, using the "Time in Deal Stage" report to display a lot of the information that is requested in this thread.

The report is available in the Report Library/Sales/Deals view and can be customised to display data in table or bar format along with customising the info to show the Total time instead of the Average. You can also split the data by Deal Name instead of Close Date in order to have a clearer view of each deal in your portal.


time in deal stage.PNG


Hey Guys,


Would be great to incorporate a better marketing attribution model for campaign revenue that includes partial attribution. 


I have several closed won deals who interacted with multiple campaigns, yet have full revenue attribution against each of these campaigns, which means that the same deal and revenue is counted multiple times. Not helpful for reporting and in fact, does more damage.







This should be fixed with no delay. This is just completely misleading the way it works now.


With the current deal flow logic,  deal statistics are totaly unusable becuase all numbers (new customers) are wrong. Please fix it soon! 


Can Hubspot try to have current time in stage like Pipedrive?  Deals turn red wen over timeframe. 


Pipedrive time in deal.JPG


This doesn't appear to work for the stage it is currently in (always says 0), which effectively renders it useless.  And since you can't change column width, "TOTAL TIME IN STAGE X" gets truncated to "TOTAL TIME IN..." 


We're having to pay extra for other tool to get good reporting out of HubSpot.  It eventually has to be more than just a activity tracking tool.  We need to be bale to do more with the data we are capturing to drive sales.