HubSpot Ideas


CRM Deal Import - automatically associate products

Products is new - but data entry for products takes a lot of time - especially when we have excel lists of partners who purchased X products during Y month. With the products feature, the CRM will now automatically calculate the value of the products, instead of having to compare them with a price list.


Please add the ability to associate products with a deal in a CRM deal import.


Of course, I would expect deal imports to attach companies/contacts before this idea would be developed. 

23 Replies

This would save the use of a developer and a lot of time.


We desperately need the ability to import line items against deals. 


Hopefully Hubspot will update us soon on progress....

HubSpot Product Team

Hey team - we delivered this feature earlier this quarter, assuming you're looking for deal <> line item import. You can read more here: