HubSpot Ideas


Business Units - Permissions & Roles

Our team is needing a way to limit which units a particular user or team is assigned to. For example, if we have a team member who does support for one of our units and not another, I need to find a way to limit their access only to the unit they support.


Ideally, we'd be able to create roles for units and assign them to users based on which team they're a part of at our organization.


I'm not seeing any work-arounds for this, or any way to assign a user to a particular unit, which is somewhat disappointing and defeats the purpose of much of what we needed business units for.

51 Commentaires



It is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY that so many people have requested this for so long, and HubSpot has not done anything about it. We've just completely upgraded to Sales & Marketing Enterprise and sold on this feature only to find that it is not a part of it.


Terrible form HubSpot! You need to listen to your clients and get it sorted ASAP!

Membre | Partenaire solutions Diamond

This is so crucial part for the business unit. We need to set permission for users to access their own business units. Please put this feature into the future roadmap!


This should be the main default feature. How can you implement a Business Unit without being able to limit it's access in a simple way.


This is crucial to be resolved for business units to be truly valuable.


This is still needed! Having difficulty setting up our sales team in husbpot because we need to limit their visibility to assets only in one business unit. 


We're in the same boat as everyone else here - it makes no sense to me that you can have Business Units without being able to control or limit access. The feature is worthless to us - and many others I suspect - until this is available.  Disappointing to say the least. As is the lack of movement since Oct 21 when this idea was first proposed.  Will be escalating via our Success Manager.       


How is this not a thing?! I don't get the point of. business units other than charging us more tbh. I need to limit access to so there aren't any issues with emailing the wrong people. Please release this Hubspot!


Commenting for momentum - Can we fast track this?

Participant | Partenaire solutions Elite

We really need this. 

Contributeur de premier rang | Partenaire solutions Elite

+1 that this feature is desperately needed. It is challenging when the user has to toggle between Business Units to find their specific contacts—that leads to errors and duplicate records being created.