HubSpot Ideas


Business Unit Navigation - filter by teams and user permissions

The new beta update for Business Units is great, because you can now select from Navigation which Business Unit you are working on when in your portal. However, it gives access to all users.


There should be a way to filter or manage who can see the Business Units depending on the team or unit they actually work on:605bf738-0abe-48ce-80e2-55b1ac7df7cf.png

7 Comentários
Membro | Parceiro Elite

This is a great idea and something clients have asked for, it will allow them to work more seamlessly and not have to remember to manually change the business unit each time. This is also important for companies that don't want some business units to see others that aren't relevant to them.


This would be a massive help to our organization to clearly draw lines between departments who within the same company have fundementally different uses for HubSpot email deployments. For example, Donors, Programs, Emergency Management, Talent Aquisition/Volunteer emails. 

Note: Campaign Monitor has been doing this since at least 2016 with what they call "Clients" where within your parent account, you can setup unique independent sections aka 'clients' for any group you want, and it works for permissions too. So a single user in one client can have their access rights removed from another client group and see or touch nothing from the other client. And within each client (or for HubSpot Business Unit) things stay separated. It's really nice to have it locked down and makes the user experience much more clean. 


With HubSpot things aren't locked down between Business Units, everyone can still see everything. This should be fixed. Only permission for edit, publish, etc can be revoked. 


Thank you. 


This is critical for our business and separation of confidential information between business units. 


Is there a way for teams that work for multiple Business Units to see all at once?


This is definitely needed. Also for users that have access to multiple business units there is a need to set the default business unit that they will see after logging in


We definitely need this as well! The user shouldn't be the one selecting the Business Unit. Unfortunately this beta also doesn't work for all marketing assets (e.g. marketing emails). 


Yes please - would be very helpful in managing our business where we have different contracts with different teams working on them.