HubSpot Ideas


Business Card Scanning on iOS

We've had quite a few users asking if we could integrate our iOS and Android CRM with other business card scanning apps. We're going to do one better and build a business card scanner right into our CRM apps.


JULY UPDATE: We're close...really close to having a version of business card scanner for iOS and a brand new update for Android. We need people to try out this new feature and make sure it's just right before we release it to the App Store / Play Store. If you'd be interested in getting an early peek you can sign up here.

Actualizaciones de HubSpot
January 18, 2019 09:31 AM

@ShanDogMilllion - you would need at least iOS 11 or higher to access the business card scanner functionality. You can read more about this here.

Re: Business Card Scanning on iOS - changed to: Delivered
December 12, 2018 09:02 AM

Today's the day. We're excited to announce a visually refreshed business card scanner for Android, and — for the first time ever — a business card scanner for iOS, powered by machine learning. It's now live in your HubSpot mobile app. You can learn all about it here



Let us know what you think!

October 31, 2018 10:43 AM

@Contented - have you updated to the latest version of the app? If so, make sure you logout and log back in again and you should see this

@TimBrown - it shouldn't be linked to Import. If the user can create a contact, they should see the feature. Can you ping me a user in your portal who is unable to see the feature currently?

Re: Business Card Scanning on iOS - changed to: Delivered
October 31, 2018 02:51 AM

Good news everyone - Business Card Scanner is now live to all iOS Users.
Image result for professor farnsworth

This has been a long time coming and we thank you for holding on. Couple of things to point out as it is slightly different from our Android version (which we will be updating soon as well):

  • You can access the feature by going to your contacts
  • We have reduced the number of taps needed to enter the data so you can quickly scan, tap and go
  • We will scan and classify First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email, Job Title, Website URL from the card (we are thinking about supporting new properties at some point)
  • We are utilising Machine Learning under-the-hood to power the classification of the properties you are scanning. This means that the the scanner will keep getting smarter
  • You can segment contacts scanned by the business card scanner in HubSpot to create lists, trigger workflows and more

Hope you all like this update, and please comment below with your thoughts!

Re: Business Card Scanning on iOS - changed to: In Beta
May 17, 2018 07:25 AM

I know everybody has been waiting for this.  We're close...really close to having a version of business card scanner for iOS and a brand new update for Android. We need people to try out this new feature and make sure it's just right before we release it to the App Store / Play Store. If you'd be interested in getting an early peek you can sign up here.

February 01, 2018 09:00 AM

No ETA just yet on this @scheilj. We will update here once we have a firm timeframe.

November 28, 2017 12:29 AM

Hey all - just wanted to provide an update on this and clear up any questions. There currently isn't a HubSpot built Business Card Reader on iOS. This is something we are thinking about and all your feedback on this thread is super valuable in our research. We don't support any third-party BCR at this time, but you are of course free to use it!


Let me know if I can answer any further questions!

Re: Business Card Scanning - changed to: In Planning
August 04, 2017 05:02 AM

Hey all - reopening this as we are seeing some really good conversations around this on iOS as well. We delivered an early version of Business Card scanning on Android and we would like to hear from everyone on bringing this to iOS 👏

Re: Business Card Scanning - changed to: Delivered
May 10, 2017 11:27 AM

Hey all,


Thank you for your feedback and patience. I can confirm that this feature is now live. Full details can be found here

89 Comentarios

Yes - go for it!




Any update on when you will bring business card scanning feature to iOS? It would be super useful in the field and it appears there is quite a demand from this thread alone. Not sure why you would bring it to Android, but not iOS..




I would love to see this.


The IOS business card scanner charges £15 per hundred scans. Is the android business scanner free to use?

If so when are we getting this feature in the IOS app please? most users in my Sales Team are Iphone users.




Great idea and much needed! Any update? Thanks

HubSpot Employee

Hey @vishnu! The USC team works with a lot of our free users who would greatly value this capability on iOS - to the tune of probably 5 unique requests per week (so, roughly every day).


I'll continue pointing users here for updates. Anything you had in the way of a rough estimate?


Pleaseeee IOS. Thanks.


I downloaded an ISO app called HubSpotCRM and works fine to integrate business cards into HubSpot. Not sure if is OEM for HubSpot but is does work. Am I missing something? Thanks 


I would really appreciate an intergration into the IOS App as well. Just swapped from an Huawei Mate 9 Android to Iphone X and I am really disappointed that one of my favourite apps is incomplete. Is there an Apple related reason why this hasn't been added to the IOS App or are you still in progress? I really consider to go back to Android for this.....


So slow! How many pages of market research do you want to collect before you think it makes sense to have an equal feature set for Android and iOS users? 


iOS please?


Any updated ETA on the iOS card scanner feature?


I agree it appears it has been over a year of members requesting this feature. Is there an ETA for this feature?


Hey Hubspot

Your card reader for Android works great. I even believe you are making some money of it.

However, some people in our company are, well, let's say it as it is - iphone users.


I think it's time you allow them scan their cards, in stead of dropping them on Android owners' lap.




If this worked for iPhone this would be great! Any Update? Would save a lot of pain for employees who travel frequently to conferences.


Can you maybe just inform as, as soon as the iOS business card scanning app will be ready?


It's been exactly a year since the Android card scanner was introduced. What is the status of this update being applied to iOS? Please update. Thanks.

Estado actualizado a: In Beta
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

I know everybody has been waiting for this.  We're close...really close to having a version of business card scanner for iOS and a brand new update for Android. We need people to try out this new feature and make sure it's just right before we release it to the App Store / Play Store. If you'd be interested in getting an early peek you can sign up here.


@bowlinshoes Thank you for the update. Signed up for your beta testing. Hopefully it will be available soon as I will be attending several conferences in the coming weeks. Thanks again.


Hi, I just downloaded a business card reader by Magneticonemobile it works great and updates my CRM seamlessly. I just wanted to make sure that they are a trustworthy source?