Currently have to download an email's attachments one-by-one inside the CRM. This takes a long time - especially on the support side where there are multiple images or documents attached - and would be much more efficient if all email attachments could be downloaded together in bulk (like Gmail/Outlook).
For each download the destination folder has to be selected each time, which ends up taking much longer than if all the files could get into the destination folder together. This would save a lot of time for users, especially on the service/support side.
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Any updates? Almost 3 years and no changes. I wouldn't even call this an "idea", it's a standard feature in just about all email inbox. I figured an easy work around would be to just forward the email to a different email and download all attachments that way but Hubspot only allows 20 attachements at a time and they're not in the order that they're listed in so it's hard to see which one's need to be downloaded manually
I have just recently transitioned one (service) department of our company over to HubSpot, and this is actually a huge issue for us. We regularly send files back and forth to clients and the inability to download all attachments in one click adds a lot of time to our workflow. The attachments within tickets also look messy, it's hard to tell what was attached to which email in the thread, and we've had an issue with re-named files not appearing in the ticket at all (they were renamed so we could identify them easily to help a client). Hubspot, PLEASE reply to this as this issue will determine whether we are able to move the rest of our company across to HubSpot (i.e. purchase additional paid seats).
We had the same problem with tickets attachments, I came up with this solution that might benefit you all.
I added the Simple Mass Downloader extension to Chrome (but there are probably other services available if you are not using Chrome). In Property history in Hubspot, under File Upload, copy all the attachments urls, go to Simple Mass Downloader, click on the three line icon at the top right corner and select "Import URLs from clipboard" from there I can select the whole list and download all files at once.
@MMilani8 a great idea and I've downloaded the extension to see if this will work, but where are you finding "File Upload" when you are in Property History? Looking at the property history of a ticket with multiple attachments, I can't see anything showing File Upload.
Are you viewing the history of a ticket, or another type of record?
@LauraSmithTFBG I'm fairly new to HubSpot so I apologize if I've not been extremely clear with my explanation. Our tickets come from a specific form which has an upload section (hence the "file upload" in property history) so I guess this method works in this case but not if the files are attached to emails? 🤔
Yes this would make things so much easier when we have to download project photos. It would also be great to preview all the images in a gallery so its easy to scroll through to find what you are looking for without having to individually click in and out of each one.
What we're missing in Hubspot, in order to fully transition to this software, is the ability to download all email attachments in the integrated mailbox with just one click. It would be great if it could work the same way as in Outlook. When working with a large volume of files, we need the option to mass download this data and further organize it.
I work for a HubSpot Diamond Partner. We have developed an app for the marketplace that helps identify objects with attached files and provides a live count of the associated attachments, continuously updated in real-time.
We are seeking beta testers who can try our app at no cost, provide valuable feedback, and assist us in enhancing the product's overall usability.
Piling on here. This is really poor design and should be fixed ASAP. Everyone gets emails with multiple attachments. At least provide a way to download a zip file that can be extracted on the desktop.
This is a critical feature for any sales team managing an inbox, especially for enterprise sales. This is probably a day's worth of software development, if even that.
I am surprised Hubspot is so unresponsive when it comes to this feature. We recently transitioned to Hubspot's Conversations Inbox and it is becoming increasingly clear that this feature is an afterthought to Hubspot vs. being a core feature.
If Hubspot wants to succeed as a CRM, owning the inbox is an important step. I just don't see it as a priority. And if the idea is that Hubspot only reads client requests when they reach several thousand upvotes, then that is a sure path to failure in the long run.
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