HubSpot Ideas


Bulk create properties

It would be great to be able to create properties in bulk or via CSV upload. 

27 Replies

@agirard hello there! Would love to setup a time to chat about this as it is becoming one of the ways I waste MOST of my time during implementation.



I am a consultant currently doing implementation for a client who is working with the Arive mortgage loan origination platform. Their software is a pain in the *** not only because they have no pre-built integrations with other software like HubSpot (they only use invite-only Zapier API), but they have HUNDREDS of properties. I have spent literally a few days just manually creating over 400 properties in HubSpot, double-checking the connection paths, then manually creating ALL of the property action linkages in Zapier...and get this, the kicker is

1) I don't have the ability to "template" these properties natively in HubSpot to duplicate for another client account (still haven't tried the property transfer, hope it works!)


2) I have to create each of these properties one by one everytime instead of having a CSV template to solve my multi-day time wastage in 5 minutes.

To answer your questions:

1. Creating properties one by one is difficult and time consuming --> I'm curious how often you need to create properties in bulk? Is it just during initial setup, or is this happening on a recurring basis?


The bulk of the time takes up during initial setup, but because we don't have yet an ability to template the properties, we have to create ALL of those properties again for another client, each and every time. So yes, it is quite recurring. 


2. Loading all the options/values for dropdown select and multi-checkbox properties is a pain --> how valuable would it be if we allowed values from a spreadsheet to be loaded in as options in one of these properties types? Is creating these property values for these property types the most cumbersome part of creating new properties?


It would be VERY valuable. Any elimination of a repetitive task is going to save us time, although this is not the most cumbersome for me at least because most of my properties are single-line text properties, and 90% of the time I am creating single-line text properties (I create single-line properties during implementation as a safety feature to make sure the API can fill in the property with the information from the other software, otherwise sometimes the other software could run into trouble trying to "select" a dropdown or checkbox)

But definitely nice to have when we have multiple checkbox properties!


3. Choosing the correct property configurations is repetitive --> if we could take smart guesses at what specific configurations should be (such as property group, property type, validation rules, etc.), would that be a major time savings?


Yes, if the HubSpot platform could recognize and "remember" what our pattern of creating properties was for the previous properties. Although I think an easier way around this would be for us to simply create our own CSV properties when starting from a template for all property types.

Anyone else have any input to similar situations? Please chime in!


I am panicking a little. We chose hubspot as our crm for operations to be able to see all of the inputs we have about customers... there are hundreds and they change relatively often. I am scrambling now... please fix this.


Member | Elite Partner

Hey there, if you’re still looking for a solution on this, Lift recently came out with a free tool that allows you to import properties to HubSpot in bulk.  We created this tool to save people hours of time manually uploading properties and to streamline HubSpot setup.

With the Lift Bulk Property Upload Tool  you can: 

  • Easily upload multiple properties into your HubSpot portal
  • Shave hours of time off your HubSpot portal setup with a bulk upload
  • Eliminate the risk of errors associated with manual entry
  • Tailor properties to your needs with a variety of configuration options, including labels, internal names, property types, and more
  • Whether its Contacts, Companies, Deals, Tickets, or Custom Objects, the tool supports a wide array of object types

You can download the app here!


Agreed, and couldn't be more obvious to me.

My case is that I am evaluating a Leads and Enrichment service, AroundDeal, and want to dump the data they are giving me into my contacts.

There are something like 25 fields, with about 5 being ID type fields, name, email, etc.



@agirard in answer to your questions if you're still looking for responses.


  1. Creating properties one by one is difficult and time consuming --> I'm curious how often you need to create properties in bulk? Is it just during initial setup, or is this happening on a recurring basis? We use airtable as our database, and then import properties to hubspot via sync. Every time we develop new features or refine features, this means I have to create and map properties between which is a real pain. For example today I need to create 15 properties.
  2. Loading all the options/values for dropdown select and multi-checkbox properties is a pain --> how valuable would it be if we allowed values from a spreadsheet to be loaded in as options in one of these properties types? Is creating these property values for these property types the most cumbersome part of creating new properties? In our use, we just want to flow the data from airtable into hubspot, so it's more setting up the field in the right format rather than adding in options e.g. numbers or free text.
  3. Choosing the correct property configurations is repetitive --> if we could take smart guesses at what specific configurations should be (such as property group, property type, validation rules, etc.), would that be a major time savings? Yes.

We manage several HubSpot portals simultaneously. We often need to create multiple contact properties simultaneously across several portals. It would be so much easier if we could simply upload via a csv or something. Right now, I'm having to go into 6 different HubSpot instances and manually create 25 new custom properties, which will take me a long time.


This is definitely needed in HubSpot. Another use case is when building custom forms for websites - for example, online applications or forms that are more than just the basic contact information.