It would be really helpful if you had the chance to either manually bulk edit activities, so that you can retrospectively change the associations for example, or alternativley use workflows based on activities, so that you could automatically associate those activities to other records
When viewing an opportunity we often find users have incorrectly tagged emails or other comms relating to other issues (maybe other opps or general support contact emails).
This means when viewing an opportunity it's full of noise.
Removoing the association link with these emails that do not relate to the opportunity is arduosuly done one by one.
Proposed solution:
A multi select and group action to remove from the currently view opportunity would save a huge amount of time and keep HubSpot tidier / more useful for us.
Yes! Looking to do this right now on the new direct mail acitivty - would be so useful to know how to do this, if its possible. Example: sent about 80 samples out to contacts, would love to bulk update that acticity to show the ship date and subsequent follow up or acticvity in my feeds/ data.
Agreed—Also for Tickets. At the very least, move the associations to the top so we don't need to expand and scroll to the bottom of each email chain to remove wrong/unnecessary associations.
I have a client who is executing different types of mailers (postcards, hand-written letters, etc.) in the thousands weekly. Knowing the attribution of direct mail would have a significant impact on their revenue. Having to do activity imports is time-consuming. Having the ability to update activity in bulk through lists and workflow automation would be beneficial.
Note: This particular client is primarily using the system for operations and sales. Activities are associated primarily with deal records. This type of functionality would help increase the need for the Marketing professional core hub, especially streamlining operations.
It would be helpful that if you removed an association, all the activities from that association are removed from that record too or at least a pop-up asking if you want to remove the relevant activties.
I'm just doing a database cleanp of our newer sister company, and currently have an issue where there's a company record and a deal that are associated to a contact that has nothing to do with that company or deal. I've removed the contact association and added him to the correct company but it hasn't removed all his activities from the wrong company and deal. The only solution I can find is to create a new company and new deal OR manually go through each activity on the incorrect company and the incorrect deal and remove each activity association from there.
Think there needs to be something that comes up when you remove an association asking if you want to keep the activity history in the association you're removing or whether you want to remove all the activity history and then perhaps then ask which record you want to keep the history on. There could be scenarios where someone's left a company but you'd prefer to keep their activity on the company record, but there could also be the opposite where you'd rather remove all their activity history from the company and just keep it on their contact record. This would also be useful if team members or HS auto company/contact association accidently associates things that shouldn't. It would be easy to reverse.
Bumping this here - the user experience could be improved if we were able to bulk edit and associate activities to records. Currently we need to go through each activity individually to make the association, which is time-consuming and unscalable. We're currently facing an issue where emails were not associated with a deal because they were sent before the deal was created, and the retroactive association to the deal was not done. Now the only way we can go about doing this is to associate the relevant emails individually.
I am asking for this as there is a known defect with the outlook hubspot add-in that adds unwanted associations in certain circumstances and polutes your data. Hubspots answer to this is I need to manually remove the erroneous hubspot created associations which is frustrating and not possible due to the amount of associations involved.
Bulk editing activities for a particular customer would be a very practical time saving feature.
Currently, if a mistake is made, and a customer has been associated with the wrong company for example, all activities need to be re associated one by one. Very onerous
yes! We really need this functionality as well. All our Internal activites and notes are attaching themselves to our Company record and it's creating chaos. Being able to bulk remove activity associations to records would be a game changer.
I already pay out of pocket for OCode tools, which will bulk remove Record associations, but that doesn't work for Activities.