It should be possible to bulk edit the associated company property for multiple contacts. At the moment, you need to change this one-by-one, which is unnecessarily tedious.
The April '22 rollout of association labels was great and we all love the new super useful labels! However there was an unintended side effect that some of us that work a lot with imports and data management have noticed.
Whereas before if you imported contacts (multi-object import) and included a Company ID column - the contact would simply associate to that company as the Primary company (it would replace any existing association) via the import process... Now however, if the contact is already associated to a different Primary Company in HS then it doesn't replace this association.
You end up with 2 companies associated to the contact. It adds a new company association leaving the previous association in place. This can cause a lot of mess and confusion - particularly in larger databases.
Whilst you can change the label to Primary for the new company via the import by including an association label column you cannot remove the old association. This used to be such a simple process via native imports.
Example scenario: - you have a list of contacts who have left their company - you research their new company details - via an import you create the new company and you associate the existing contact to their new company (or you associate the contact to the new company if it already exists in HubSpot)
Before Labels rollout - you would have contact associated to their new company and old company removed ✅
After Labels rollout - you now have the contact associated to 2 companies 😫
HubSpot tech support have advised that solutions are possible by using 3rd party tools like Associ8 or Import2 or by custom API work - however to my mind this should not require additional expense or 3rd party tools. This should be part of our HubSpot package - after all we are not asking for new functionality - we are asking for functionality that used to exist but has now been lost.
1) export 2 files - A) Contacts OR deals with all the deal info (even if you if it's blank include deal name, stage, and pipeline) and B) the all companies export with the company domain name (even if it's blank)
2) Create an association on the two separate files based on "company domain name" - make dummy domain names if needed but they need to be unique on each company record.
3) Complete Vlookup in excel to get the Company Domain Name aligned to the Deals (and or Contacts)
4) Import both files with association based on the Company Domain Name and the association should be on that field. Choose "do not import" for any properties that you don't update.
I do Hubspot implementation as part of my consultancy, so if you have any questions you can email me at and I'm happy to help further as I know this was a frustrating limitation of the system.
This is spot on! As a fairly new HubSpot user/admin, I was very surprised that we cannot simply use an import for existing Sites (custom object) and include the Company Record ID, to associate the Sites to a different Company. This seems so very basic. And now I am quite surprised to find that a new feature was implemented that broke the ability to do this. This would not seem to be difficult. Simply allow an option to create an additional association OR replace the existing association.
Also, it is surprising that we cannot enforce a one to many relationship for a Company to Custom Object. We have a Custom Object created "Sites" where a Company can have many Sites associated to it. (The Sites are all retail locations for that Company). A Site is owned by an Account, but in HubSpot we cannot enforce the one to many relationship for some reason. You can errantly associate a Site to two different companies. I thought this might have been the reason that the issue above, but now I see that it also happens to others on Contacts.
Really need this! I've got thousands of Tasks that I would like to disassociate from Companies, and the only way I'm seeing to do this is a manual edit of each individual task. Wow! There has to be a better way to do this.
This solution would save us a lot of time and manual work. Currently, when someone in our database leaves their organization, we have to manually disassociate them. We get 100+ of these per month and it's very tedious and time-consuming.
It would be helpful if one of the following options existed:
Select all contacts in a list and have an action that disassociates all from their organization
An action in a workflow that could disassociate contacts from their organization.