HubSpot Ideas


Bulk Delete Products

It is not possible to bulk delete products. I imported about 4,000 products, but it registered the dollar sign in front of the prices within the product price column as invalid and set them all as zero. I decided to add the same 4,000 products again without the dollar sign knowing that contacts just replace the information within the contact information if you put the name/email as the same. Instead, when I readded the products without dollar signs, the system just duplicated the amount of products. So now, I have about 8,000 products within HubSpot, and the only way to delete them is 20 at a time. Even when I delete 20 products at a time, it shows that there are no products at all which might get my hopes up, but after I have to refresh the page 2-4 times, all of the products come back except for those 20 that I had originally deleted. 


If you know of any way to bulk delete products, please let me know; otherwise, HubSpot will have to come up with a solution to bulk delete the products and I will have take a couple of hours to delete these 8,000 products 20 at a time.

32 Replies

I have a similar challenge. We have about 50,000 parts and five currencies. I'd love to be able to bulk-delete them to clean them out. Our next import has 148,000 parts and I don't want to manage the differences between the two lists manually. 


I am in the same situation. Very Tedious to delete products by 20 at a time. The system also does glitch after deletion and shows no prodcuts unless you do a page refresh. Hubspot please get working on this. 


I'm going to tell you a sad story ...


Once upon a time there was a HubSpot Partner that spent 45 seconds deleting 20 products at a time for 6 hours, without eating, without sleeping, without going to the bathroom, without watching netflix or playing video games, without entering the Hubspot Academy and getting certified in something else.


This poor Hubspot Partner spent 6 hours dedicated to erasing instead of planning and executing some sales or marketing automation, contacting customers and doing more business ... until he was finally able to erase 17,000 products and start again...


It's sad, very sad ... Don't you want to cry?


-------- IN SPANISH --------

Voy a contarles una triste historia...


Érase una vez un HubSpot Partner que le dedico 45 segundos a borrar 20 productos cada vez, durante 6 horas, sin comer, sin dormir, sin ir al baño, sin ver netflix o jugar videojuegos, sin entrar al Hubspot Academy y certificarse en algo más.


Este pobre Hubspot Partner se gastó 6 horas dedicado a borrar en lugar de planear y ejecutar alguna automatización de ventas o de marketing, contactar clientes y hacer más negocios... hasta que por fin pudo borrar 17000 productosy volver a comenzar...


Es triste, muy triste... ¿No te dan ganas de llorar?


Please add this feature hubspot! 


Any update on this issue?


Any updates please Hubspot? This is a basic feature that we need. There is a "select all x products" option in the page, but when it is selected the DELETE option disappears! A bug surely?


We would certainly appreciate the ability to reimport and update exsiting prodcuts without having to use objects, but what may be easier is if they allowed us to delete our product libraries and reimport with updated price lists without affecting deals/quotes etc in the system. Being able to delete in more than quantities of 20 would make that feasible for us since we have 2000+ products. Thank you in advance HubSpot. 



also checkout this thread to upvote regarding this:


also consider upvoting this idea also:


This sounds all too familiar! I'm just wondering, if you export the full list, delete all the cells, but leave the HubSpot id in the first column and then re-upload the list, would that work? I had 18,000 products that I deleted 20 at a time.... took me a few hours a day to do it over about 4 days. After I did it, I thought I should have tried this.


I have the same issue, and I can see this was raised a long time ago... any update?


@hubspot - can you bulk delete back end? I have the same issue with 5k product lines and can't afford to loose that much time manually deleting them...


I would also benefit from this feature... 


Hi Everyone,


I called HubSpot today and the dev team deleted all of our 4000 product records within 5-minutes.

They were super helpful and are now looking into why the bulk deletion function is not there for products.


Deleting Product Library / Work-Around


The biggest issue in uploading and re-uploading a product library is preserving your Product IDs.   If you don’t use them as an anchor and simply upload new products you will exponentially increase your product library and produce many duplicates.


My first attempt was to download the Product IDs and copy / paste the only the Product IDs into a new product library.  My thought was that Hubspot would overwrite the old data with any new updates based on Product ID.   This did not work, however, because Hubspot would find the product NAME attached to a different Product ID and throw an error.


So, I recommend the following steps:


  • Download your library with all current Product IDs


  • Insert new, generic naming data in the NAME field attached to each Product ID row.  I used the following naming convention:


Test 100

Test 101

Test 102

Test 103



  • Watch for any duplicate names.  Some of my Product Names and SKU names were the same, for example, so I also had to put generic data into the SKU fields.


  • Upload this new file into Hubspot.  Hubspot will MATCH on Product ID and OVERWRITE any data you have there with new, generic names as detailed above.   (Your product library in Hubspot will now contain this generic naming convention - essentially a clean slate for uploading new data.)


  • Now, take those same Product IDs and attach (copy / paste) them to correct Product Library you wish to upload to Hubspot.


  • Upload this new Product Library.  Hubspot will MATCH to the Product ID and OVERWRITE your generic naming with new data.


  • If your new Product Library has fewer rows that the original, you can now search on TEST and pull up only those products.  Much easier to delete these “strays”


This should allow you to avoid deleting 20 rows at a time....


HubSpot Product Team

Posting on behalf of a user


It would be great to have the option in the product library to select how many products get displayed (similar to 25, 50 or 100 per page in the contacts overview).


Bulk deletes are currently only possible in steps of 20 which is not efficient for large numbers of products (here several thousands) and through the Support team. Being able to display larger numbers of products would allow easier bulk delete for the users themselves.


Sorry I did not read all posts but it seems feasible to bulk delete all products (but ecommerce synced) in the product screen.

select the first 20

System will ask if you wish to select all product (or the result of your search

it will remove the top optiosn Move or Delete

you clik on the option on one product ligne

it will allow you to delete

the next screen will ask you to confimr how many showing you already the number of product select

confirm the number and validate

and it is done (could take some tim depending on the size of your catalog)


Participant | Diamond Partner

@jeanlouismonin it works thanks 🙂 Saved me lots of time ! Clearly not ideal though from a UI perspective ! 

HubSpot Employee

Posting here to upvot the idea! 

It would be awesome to add a trash can in the portal when a customer needs to delete all the products once.  It will save a lot of time for the customers to focus on other stuff. We would appreciate it. (: 



Let us delete the complete product list and reimport it.  Prices change and we need to delete the whole list (10,000 items in my case) and reimport.  Upvote!


@StatMedInc you can update products in fact: you "just" have to dowloard the product catalog from HS afert creating or updating new products and then for the next import, you use the HS ID to update products, I can explain that further if you need to :


@jeanlouismonin I have duplicates that I need to remove so I would prefer to delete all and reimport properly.  ANy tricks for that?