I very much agree with the need to bulk merge company, and even contact, records. However, I would not want to just limit that to using the domain or emial fields. Unfortunately, we have quite a few company records that do not have domain details, and contact records that do not have email addresses.
Rather, I would like to use either the company/contact list screens or the merge feature on the company/contact detail screens to accomplish this.
From the list screen, a user should be able to click on the records they want to merge, and have the same capability to merge as they do to delete, assign, etc..
.List Screen
From the Detail screen, it would be neat to have pick list boxes next to the potential matching companies.Detail Screen
Would be good to export to a spreadsheet, match them up and import back in as merged companies. We don't use domians as we have multiple separate companies that use the same domain name
Bulk merging companies is a crucial feature that HubSpot is missing. It would be ideal if you could select multiple companies and then have 'Merge' under actions. From there you should be able to choose the parent company you'd like all the others to be merged into.
With this approach, HubSpot users would be able to search common key words to find companies that have duplicates due to small variations such as the use of acronyms, symbols, locations, etc. that may be included for one reason or another. Using 'American University' as an example: we have 3 companies in our database that are all actually the same one 'American University' 'American University Washington DC' and 'American University, Washington.' With the current system I have to merge these one by one and make sure to always start with the company that I want to be the parent company. (Side note: we don't use the email domain to company domain automatic connection feature due to the nature of our data)
Not being able to choose which company will be merged into the other is another HUGE limitation. Having to step back and find the company that you want to be merged is an extra step and the time adds up. The order doesn't even work logically - If you press 'merge' on a company, you would assume that you could merge that company INTO another one. That point shouldn't matter though because we should be able to choose where the companies are merged to everytime. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
The inability to do is preventing us from having a clean database and use HS automations to their full potential. This should have been implemented years ago!!
Agree with CPSMP. It would be MASSIVELY helpful to us if we could merge companies by using the tickbox to select and then merge.
We work with schools and we have email addresses from multiple domains that relate to one company profile, so importing data is a pain as usually we do not have the company URL to import with the original data.
The duplicate section does help weed out some of these but it's hugely time consuming. For us this would make things much much quicker!!
This would be such a time saver, especially since you can't even select more than 50 companies at a time in the 'Manage Duplicate Records' section.
We even tried to hack the 'merge contacts with the same phone number' script to see if we could run it for companies - but that script only works if there are exactly TWO contacts with the same phone number, so it’s been a struggle trying to make it merge 5 companies with the same domain name into 1 record.
How is this not on the product roadmap yet?! At the very least it should be available if you have Ops Hub.
I would like this to be added as well. Pick the Primary from the view section, then merge all other selected items into it.
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