I would love to be able to create a static or smart list of companies. Right now, you can create a list based on company fields, but it generates contact names, not companies.
Hey @BuySellAdsDave! We're actively working on it! But, in this case you could actually solve that problem pretty fast without lists. There's a setting in Settings --> Contacts & Companies --> Contacts called "Assign Company Owner to Contact by Default" which, if you toggle on, means you would only have to create a View of all the companies you want to change and then bulk edit the Company Owner field and it will filter down to all associated Contacts.
Hey everyone! I just wanted to make sure you're aware of the ability to create a View (which is essentially a list) of Companies in HubSpot. If you're looking to create a list of Companies to pass along to a rep or you just want to see how many companies in your Hubspot that use a particular technology or are in a certain industry, this is a good solution. You can even save these views for future use. Check it out here: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/articles/kcs_article/contacts/create-saved-filters
The only thing you can't do with a View is use a view in Automation. But, if you just want to see a list of Companies based on the properties attached to those Companies, this should do the job.
If you're new to the thread, I'm the Product Manager responsible for making HubSpot support a more account based approach. We're aware of these gaps and working actively to fill them. If you'd like to chat with me - fill out this form: https://forms.gle/G6XMQxHEsWNaCXpy6! I'd love to hear your feedback.
Hey @LeadJen (great name btw) - thanks the heads up! The form is now fully accessible. I editted the comment above, but here's the new link just in case: https://forms.gle/ZEfA5FspV8C2AkZG8
Hi Everyone! My name is Ethan and I'm a Product Manager at HubSpot. I'm exploring how to enable better Account Based Marketing and Account Based Sales in HubSpot and I've read through every comment on the thread. I'd love to get more feedback from anyone who is willing to chat for 20 minutes. Fill out this form and I'll reach out directly: https://forms.gle/ZEfA5FspV8C2AkZG8
If you want to create a email marketing list, HubS. force you to add a (even fake) contactto a company, to insert the email address into it.
But small or very big companies just don't have always a single contact who manage the emails.. they just have the info@company.comaddress, and then it could be John or Janet to manage it.
Furthermore, as John leave the company, you keep sending your emails to a john.smith@company.com address that even doesn't exist anymore so your info just never arrive!
Internal organization of the companies is very variable and we must have a flexible, not rogid system to deal with it. It should be up to us to decide to send our mails to the company or to a contacs
I totally agree. Problem is that HS does it in different ways on different screens so you have to learn multiple ways. I.E. Lists have more functionality but can not change column width and you can not run it on Company data. Normal Filtering undr Companies options does not let you select multiple selections from the same properties. Very frustrating.
We noticed that you can add semicolon separated values into the List tool but can't do this in the Filter view tool for contacts/companies/deals.
Having either the ability to create lists for Companies and/or Deals or the ability to add semicolon separated values into the normal filter view tool would solve this problem (somehow I suspect the latter is easier but I could be wrong).
Hi, this still hasn't been made yet right? With the new view-options you can create a list based on filters/company properties but not statically by simply 'checking a box'.
True, I haven't checked it out in detail yet. It's a start, we use a lot of spreadsheets for listing companies, and this is a great step towards solving that pain.