HubSpot Ideas


Bring back tracking recent pages visited in the Prospects tool

In the prospects sales tool, see recent activities in the report.  This would be information like pages views at the company level. Example: An employee of a company visit your site but doesn't complete a form.


This is a tool we used that vanished post GDPR. I'm aware of the statement by Hubspot explaining their decision to discontinue this feature.  I have also found this community forum of others who want the feature back.  Low usage of the feature by their current customer base was a major factor in HubSpot’s decision to remove.  This is my attempt to show them that there is more demand than previously estimated.  Please upvote!

HubSpot Updates
December 11, 2024 07:42 AM

June 26, 2020 03:34 PM

Hey folks! We're continuing to work on Prospects and we'd love your input. Would anyone be willing to hop on the phone with us for 20 or 30 minutes (cc @nlacy) and help us understand how you're currently using the app? If you are, fill out this form and we'll reach out!

May 18, 2020 12:49 PM

@peterargo the features are actually going live tomorrrow morning. You'll see the Account Overview at the top right of your screen on all company records and on the Target Accounts Home.

May 15, 2020 02:02 PM

Hey Berky! It does, but they're currently available in the Account Overview, which you can find on any company record if you're a Sales Professional or Enterprise customer. From there, just scroll down to the bottom. 

Page views are also available as a property, but right now they're a roll up property so they can't be analyzed over time.

May 15, 2020 12:13 PM

@Berky those are both excellent ideas and something I'm acutely aware of. For now, we won't be able to provide that reporting, but stay tuned because we're making some infrastructure investments that should allow us to make progress there.

One thing I should say about looking at Page Views is that the panel that shows them is scoped to a Sales Professional paid seat. Over time, I want any user to be able to access that data via Reporting, but that's the situation for now.

Not Currently Planned
May 04, 2020 08:10 AM

Hey folks - my name is Ethan and I'm a Product Manager here at HubSpot.  I wanted to add some color to what @JoeMayall said above.


While we don't have plans to bring back the exact feature of showing pageviews in Prospects, I wanted you to know that it's not because we don't want to invest in Prospect-like functionality. Quite the opposite! Over time, you should see more and more of this functionality available in the platform. As an example, the new "Account Overview" (a Sales Professional feature shipping May 19th as part of the ABM launch) will show all pages viewed by known visitors AND anonymous viewers associated with an account. 


I will keep this thread in the loop as we do more discovery about how these features will find themselves into the platform overall. I know product development can be frustrating, but I genuinely appreciate the feedback and the enthusiam. Thank you.

46 Replies
Top Contributor

My boss is big on spreadsheets & granular data. He wants to see a report by one company, which exact pages they looked at, and the number of views for each page they looked at. (If he knew who looked, he'd be ecstatic!). Right now, I can't filter this desired data. 

[Note: worked with Aebhin, ticket #71815, 8/30/17]


It would be nice to be able to export the actual list of viewed pages for a company or contact.


Having the number of pages is nice, but being able to drill deeper would be more helpful


It would be great if HubSpot would stop stripping functionality out of the Prospects tool. This used to be the most valuable tool, and now it's completely worthless. By removing Recent Activities there is no point in even keeping the tool in the platform. Why can't you have the tool but only track activity on the company level? For example, it would just treat every visitor as anonymous but would tell you what companies are looking at what pages. This would be GDPR compliant, according to the information on the official GDPR website.


Alternatively, you could just turn off individual tracking for European IP addresses - also compliant per the information on the GDPR official website.


It's really frustrating because HubSpot is still tracking this information - as shown by the list of visitors to the site. HubSpot just refuses to pass along this information. This is very disappointing that HubSpot is not creating an "Inbound", customer-centric solution here.


Agreed. This tool is now very far from what it was promised to be at the time we purchased Hubspot, and it was a key feature for us at the time (and still is). 


I hope that once the GDPR panic subsides they will implement this again, although as far as I can tell they seem to be moving away from Prospects rather than making it a usable tool. As you say this information is tracked, so why can't it just be shown? It is anonymised anyways and the users of the site have accepted cookies... 





Top Contributor

Agree! When we found out about this I said the exact same thing to the support person I spoke to. I hope they can come up with a solution soon!


Agree! Prospects is now almost useless for us as we can't see which pages were looked at. We have a cookie notice on our site, surely it's covered by that.


Agree completely! Previously I could identify content (pages) of interest to prospects and tailor messaging...which I thought was primary to the notion of inbound. The prospects tool is now virtually useless. Maybe a niche player will fill that gap.




Agreed. If there are confidentiality issues, do what Google does and quickly aggregate the inbound data.  I don't need IP addresses, just knowledge that 5 unique people from Company A viewed the following pages, in the following order. 


If target accounts are (or aren't) visiting the specific content we've created for them, we need to know that, too


Very few site visitors will sacrifice their identity to an entry form, because they fear they will be badgered by lead development people. We very much value seeing the traffic from the right prospect and customer domains going where we'd like it -- then we know our content producers are delivering quality material.


The Daily Prospects Digest provides valuable information: Org Name, Domain, # of Page Views, etc.  The report would be more valuable if we could (1) see the actual website pages viewed and (2) filter out organizations that are already in our Hubspot database.


I understand that the Digest used to list pages viewed but no longer does due to new privacy legislation.  Lead Forensics, a firm that identifies itself as a Hubspot partner, does provide the pages viewed data but doesn't link the information to any particular individual.  Is it possible that Hubspot could do the same?  That would be much more convenient than subscribing to a separate service, especially when Hubspot has the data.


We're primarily interested in new prospects, so we would like to be able to filter the Digest to show only organizations that have not yet been added to our database.  Doable?


Thank you for your consideration and feedback.


Massive failure by HubSpot. I bet I can still get this functionality in Marketo or Act-On...


Fully agree! They are using GDPR as an argument, but every lawyer from the European Union could tell you that linking page visits to the name of a company (that's all it does for anonymous visitors) has nothing to do with the GDPR, as it's not personal data that you are collecting that way.

Participant | Platinum Partner

Me, I'm also crying for help to bring this feature back to live. GDPR can be no reason to eliminate it. One of the competitors, who is even resident in Germany, Salesviewer, has published a statement of his lawyer that confirms the legitimate use of the tool.


And, even if user usage data seems not to be overwhelming, please consider, that this is just a sales tool that is only used by some sales people in their bigger smarketing teams. The whole team is affected, when one part of the chain is interrupted.


Yes, this is a great idea! I would go even further and would like to export all visits from all contacts (or selected group)  in the database.


I think misinterpretation of user requirements vs GDPR requirements might be the issue here.


I think what most people want is to see which pages of their websites are being visited.  If GDPR says I cannot know the user, or their IP,  then so be it.  But GDPR does not say that I cannot find out how my own website pages are performing in terms of views.  Example - today I got a (now almost useless) "Daily digest" telling me a company had viewed 9 of my pages.  We have multiple streams of business - I need to know which 9 were viewed, so that I can see which pages are being looked at and then most importantly make changes to, or remove, the pages that don't seem to interest people!


I am sure that with an understanding of what is required, HubSpot should be able to swiftly reimplement this feature.


We have a SaaS product and I'm constantly trying to review peoples click path with the product teams. Being able to sort and export a contacts digital body language would be very helpful. 


Yes, please! Our company offers a wide range of products and solutions. The HubSpot Prospects feature only tell us which companies have been active on our site, but we have no visibility into which pages they're interacting with. It makes our follow-up difficult because we do not know what to lead with/what solutions they're currently researching.


There is no need for anyone to worry about GDPR in this context.  here is the wording from the EU regulations:


"Arguably the biggest change to the regulatory landscape of data privacy comes with the extended jurisdiction of the GDPR, as it applies to all companies processing the personal data of data subjects residing in the Union, regardless of the company’s location."



Hi all,


Has this been implemented? Have you had any reply from HubSpot? This would be great to have. 


Please bring this functionality back!