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Bring back ability to delete activities to new activity feed
by removing the little "x" on each activity it makes it virtually impossible to easily see the most important activities I need tracked. And your system tracks my internal communications to my colleagues - so once a question/issue is resolved I need to remove that from the activity feed and see other e mail responses
We're looking to talk with a few of you about this next week. If you're interested in chatting with the product team about getting this feature added back in, we'd love to connect. Here is a link to schedule some time if you're interested.
Hi HubSpot Community - we're reviewing what it would take to bring this feature back into the activity feed.
The activity feed is now grouped and organized by contact, rather than by email thread (like it was before we removed the ability to delete specific activity cards). In full transparency, we need to determine how to handle deleting groupings/contacts from the activity feed now that it's possible that a grouping includes more than one email thread.
Hey @matth1! No updates yet, but the team is aware of this idea and keeping an eye on this post, so upvoting and sharing your use cases in comments is still the best course of action to push them to consider this.
This came up for me today when someone sent an email that had confidential data in it. Now it's shared on a web service with data that has no per-user security controls around it. I'm building up my entire sales funnel and digital marketing around HubSpot, and also helping others implement it for their marketing and CRM needs. This issue means that without resolution, I'm unfortunately going to have to exit to another platform at the time of the annual renewal for HubSpot. This is not a small task. All of the records have to be moved. All of the integrations to all of the other platforms and systems will have to be recreated. All of the automation will have to be remade. All of the sequences will have to be recreated. I'll have to eat the cost of the whole setup, migration, and training of staff to move to a system that can treat data as either classifiable for security access so only selected people have visibility, or deletable so it's not available to anyone.
Seeing this is a couple of years old and a feature that was removed, I'm not expecting it to be resolved. I just wanted to add in that this is not only "critical", but critical enough to drop a system that my business has invested substantial time and resources into.
Where the "edit in the contact" part of this falls apart is when the confidential data is emailed to someone that is not, and should not be a contact in HubSpot. The contact gets added to try to edit, but then the activity doesn't show up, I'm assuming because you had the activity before the contact. When you delete the contact, there is no indication if that data is deleted, or if it's left somewhere in the system even though it's confidential data.
We've been asking for this for over 2 years. Hubspot sent out an email say, "we've heard you" and we're going to re-add the hide button - OVER A YEAR AGO.
We don't even use Hubspot anymore except for billing. The activity feed is just full of so much junk, you can't use it to sell.
We feel we're being held hostage as well. The migration would be debilitating.
As you all can see, This has been around for 2 years with Hubspot responding a year ago saying they are reviewing - then radio silence from them! If you also follow other requests/suggestions you will now realise that Hubspot just pay 'lip service' to this forum. Unfortunately, the only way to get attention is to move which, of course, is disruptive.
Please make it possible to simply delete items from our Acitivity Feed. Everyone wants it, espcially those who have accidentally noticed that their personal email address was connected to the hubspot acct.
This is a major fail on the part of Hubspot. Privacy Laws dictate that we must be able to delete end user information, this isnt possible Some email conversations are not to be available/broadcast to all employees - this is not able to be managed, so we have deactivated all employees Management of our own data should be freely available this is constraining and not possible with hubspot
I am now looking to move away from hubspot as a patrtner and user as this issue has been ongoing for a couple of years now
Nothing has been done about it, the clients,partners and public are not being heard.
This is not rocket science and Hubspot is behind all other CRM's with this not being able to be manged or turned off. I would have though just allowing ADMIn to turn it off by employee would be a simple and easy fix before you look at more granular fucntionality?
For 3 to 4 years we've been trying to be able to , if not delete, then hide worthless conversations in the activity feed. If you delete emails in your Outlook box, it is counted as a read by a customer and shows up in the activity feed. Its ridiculous.
There is 170 odd upvotes. These are the people that would take the time to comment. Needless to say, pull the preverbial out so we can delete what we dont want. Esecially for the moderator, me!!!
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