HubSpot Ideas


Brand Colors for Hubspot reporting and dashboards

I often pull data straight from Hubspot for executive presetnations.  What would make this even easier,  is if I could load my color pallet into Hubspot and use it for reports and dashboards, etc...


I think the ability to say load a microsoft theme - which contains colors and fonts, etc... into Hubspot would be great.  Microsfot theme is something you can upload into excel, powerpoint, word.... to have a consitent brand experience across the microsoft set of apps.


I think this is a great little feature that would make it much easier for marketers to use Hubspot directly for presenations and such

Actualizaciones de HubSpot
Estado actualizado a: Delivered
January 24, 2024 03:11 PM

Hey all! So glad to have got this out there, you now will see "Brand Kit" as an option for Reports in the Single Object and Custom Builders! 


Always more we can grow, so please keep adding feedback to other options or extensions of this functionality. Thanks!

December 06, 2023 06:57 PM

@SOKrueger we have been just rolling out some tests, let me know if you have any feedback! We want to make sure we get it across all Reporting before a full release, but its moving along well.

Estado actualizado a: Being Reviewed
November 02, 2023 10:18 AM

Hey folks, hear you here! We are digging into this currently. 


Question for those here as we are digging in, where are you setting those brand colors? 

36 Comentarios


I would like the ability to have custom colors in the reports for the charts. 

The best would be if I could yous "Color codes" for this, like "Hex" codes.

Our reports would look much nicer with our own colors, and I would feel better sharing these to the board.

BR/ Filip

HubSpot Employee

+1 for this. It'll definitely helps to be able to customise the colors of the report with our own corporate colors instead of using the default colors available. 


I couldn't agree more. Even if we could simply show the colours we added under 'branding' in the general settings, it would be a massive help when we need to report this internally and be consistent with our branding.






This would be a great idea and would save time in having to transfer reports in to another format to brand correctly.


+1 as well and I would +1,000 if possible. Having the ability to create our own custom color themes would be a great value. Also setting default colors for Stages would also be great!


YES! Another +1. 


The ability to change the color of the existing palettes is great, but if someone hits the "reset" by mistake, all the work is lost. It would be really great to be able to save the changes we make to a palette to whatever we choose.


Thank you for considering this change as soon as possible :).

Participante | Partner nivel Elite

Another +1 for this. I have a BD team who like a bit of visual pizzazz, and often have to present their figures to clients. More visual options will make our figures look far better in presentations. TBH, it's a bit surprising that Hubspot have not done this already.


In order to make this presentable to key stakeholders we need to have our brand colors.


Couldn't agree more! Allowing customized brand colors would be ideal!


Would love to see this implemented! It would make it so much easier to apply across multiple reports & dashboards vs. having to customize each individually.




Also, customisable colours thay remain consistant across sources. At the moment each chart has different colours on every channel if you add another one.


My exec board hate Hubspot colours so we have to shove them through a filter in PS before we can present! Argh

Colaborador | Partner

Me2. Tremendous opportunity to allow us to change colors on the graphs of reports in HubSpot.


Yes, please!


100% agree. Surely it's simple to add functionality to input your own company brand colours / hex codes and use these on dashboard and reports. 


Hey everyone


I agree that this should be included in globally changing the Hubspot styles to match it with the company design.

Meanwhile I created a small script that can do this in 0.1 seconds, you just have to copy paste it into the chrome inspector.


You can follow the tutorial over here:

Change Hubspot Dashboard colors in 2 seconds [MEDIUM] 

That doesn't seem to be working for me....:(


I have a huge quantity of pie charts I need to colourise to a 5-point colour scale, all the same, so it would be amazing to define a custom colour palette somewhere and then just apply that to all pie charts by default, for example.


is there any update on this?


Checking in for an update here. Specifically the sales funnel is not customizable by color. Any solutions?