We need a bing ads integration ASAP. You have google ads integrated, it would really be helpful to have the same interface with Bing ads so we can monitor traffic and conversions down to the Keyword level on our Bing campaigns.
How long until that integration is up and running, you are integrated with LinkedIn, this doesn't make sense, put some energy towards Bing please.
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Absolutely! It's so frustrating to only be able to report on new leads from "paid search" and not be able to discriminate between Google and Microsoft/Bing ads. This is very necessary! Thanks.
I hope this arrives soon. We are a b2b company and Bing is a key part of our acquisition strategy, as previously it has shown to be a great source of potential leads from clients. I know we can track performance via UTMs, but it would be much easier if we can put out the campaigns via the ads dashboard, simultaneously across all of our main channels.
@NicoleSengers - I'm struggling trying to figure out how to use Google Analytics UTM codes to discern between Google and Microsoft/Bing contacts. I mean, all our landing pages are tagged with Google Analytics parameters, but how can I see that data in HubSpot? It doesn't show up in any of the "original source" properties. Thank you!
+1 - shocked frankly that this thread is now several years old. That a mainstream ad channel doesn't natively integrate is very surprising. As far as I can see it's not the only one either, with only Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn being available. Means the standard reports for tracking paid search/social are missing a chunk of data and effectivly redundant.
@hollisbhub can we have an update on this? It's going to be 5 years since this post was created? Half a decade is a loooong time to analyise something...
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