HubSpot Ideas


Better reporting for Products

I am very happy that the new "Products" feature was added under deals. I think this gives the opportunity to create very good reports on sales by products.


However, I would like the opportunity to create custom reports using the products. I would like to create, for example, the revenue from each product over time in a line graph, the cumulative revenue from products over time in a stacked area graph.


At the moment, the "Sales by Item" and "Average selling price" table reports available among the pre-made reports are not very visually descriptive. I would like the opportunity to customize them.

ステータスに更新: Delivered
July 24, 2019 08:42 AM

Users can now build product reports using the Report Builder.  By creating cross object reports for Deals and Products, you are able to create product-based revenue reports to drive decisionmaking. 


Echo chamber the upvote x1000. This is so needed! Why add products if you can't report out on them? We need reporting to find out if we have seasonality based on a specific product or the effectiveness of a campaign run on a specific product, etc. etc. etc. PLEASE update!


Has any thought been giving to adding this? This is a huge gap in the product and the workaround is a ridiculous amount of work after already having added the products. Why have a field for products if you can't actually use them?


I was all excited to start off the 2019 year in the right direction by using the new products feature where you can add multiple products in the same deal - yay, it seemed like it was going to create less work.  I went ahead and added all my products for my sales team and then noticed that there is no way to filter these products in Deals to see what our acutal sales and pipeline look like.  We have goals per product and if we can not track, the product feature become useless.  I am very dissapointed.


Back to manually entering my products as a Deal custom addition...  Hopefully this will be integrated very soon.  Please keep me posted.  



 Agreed, I would like to report on revenue by product over time.


Given products can be given different names, this could end up with quite a lot of reporting items - it might be good to have a core set of product categories, and then each product line item can have its own name, while still allowing for simpler reporting by category.




I am trying to track my products in deals that are expected to close this month.  This is needed for inventory projections and for sales quotas.  I have reviewed the thread and it looks like this is a common problem.  Let me know if there is a report that I am missing.  Thank you!


Agreed to all of the above. This suggestion has been highly upvoted and is in for a year. What is the timeline for this?


Being able to add product detail, then slice and dice sales and pipeline by individual product, product family, etc. is a very basic requirement. I'm perplexed why this is not available. Virtually every other CRM on the market has this capability. It's table stakes in sales planning.


Can't stress enough the importance of product reporting. We are entering in so much data and getting zero reports or stats out of it... what is the point?


HubSpot continues to demonstrate a lack of understanding of basic sales reporting and sales management and a disregard for the concerns of customers. Inability to report on product related sales activity is just one of the many glaring deficiencies that underscores their failure in the sales end of the business. If my client had not already selected HubSpot I would most definitely abandon it for any other CRM on the market, all of which outperform HubSpot hands-down.


Ways to track amount of quotes through a filter/list and a report 


ATTENTION HUBSPOT - It has been over a year since we started asking for reporting on products.  Can you please provide us some insight on if and when this will be rolled out?  we are spending unnecessary time having to manually create reports in Excel to get any use of this information.

ステータスに更新: Delivered

Users can now build product reports using the Report Builder.  By creating cross object reports for Deals and Products, you are able to create product-based revenue reports to drive decisionmaking. 


This is welcome news! Will be trying that out immediatley. thank you!


When will we be able to pull in Associated Companies into the report @rok ?  We really need an easy way to show which company deals are tied to without clicking through to the deal


It would be great to see the average quoted price. It would be great to see that broken down by salesperson and over time.


This is unbelievable!!! Products have been since 2017 and we do not have reporting possibilities!! How this can take so long????????


What I needed:

Cross-reporting deals, companies, products (with names & deal row prices with information of recurring or one time price) so I could easier understand our sales pipeline... I cannot understand this because data is there... All you need is create reports... Off course I'd like to see that deal pipeline view would support products also... Now we have to open deal every time to check what is inside of deal and where price is coming...


Now (basicly) product reporting is zero feecher what we have....


I need reports that list a table of the sales of specific product(s) and the customer who bought.  Right now, you have to dig into each deal to finally see what product was bought.  I need to be able to let Sales know which contacts and which target ABM companies have bought a certain product.  This is key in a B2B environment when we're re making a push on a certain product.  For example, I need to be able to show which contacts at which of our key target ABM accounts have bought a ticket for an upcoming training event in February. This is crucial to allow Sales to target those who've bought already to sell deeper into...or know which key ABM accounts haven't bought yet to push those.  Right now, the only way to do this appears to be to create a list and Lists cannot be added to dashboards.  Same as above, but by sales rep is a need too so that our VP Sales can tell which sales reps are closing deals and which are not on the current product push.


Hi Guys!


We are using Rekener integration for this. They didn't have products reports ready but they are extremely flexible to do this kind of things and now we are almost ready to reach totally different level of Sales reps reporting tool.


Also they have possibility to report one-time / recurring fees from deals and create timeline series from different sales actions.


I strongly recommend Rekener as your partner for developing reporting feechers from HS data.


I agree with everyone here.  I need to be able to run a report to find out which contact and company bought a specific product.  What do we have to do to get this?