HubSpot Ideas


Better notification window for Messages Chat in Browser

It would be useful if there would be a better notification window for any new incoming chat messages that would stay open and in which the chat user can directly answer to the Chat message. 


The notification on the buttom right in the Browser only appears for a few seconds and can easily be missed by Chat users which would then need to check within HubSPot for new Chats which is too time consuming. 

18 Comentários

1. I eneabled all notifications. the sound notification and email help, but it would be great if a notification would pop up as a chat feature. 


Currently, i have to go into sales tools, then messeging, then see the message. that 3 clicks more than I would like. 


2. This feature MUST come to the mobile app. would make it super helpful. 




We need this 

Membro | Parceiro

I completely agree. I have been hounding HS support about this issue becuase the notification is so quick to dissapear. It's just not usable in it's current state and there's no workaround. We might have to retire from sales pro as a result of this inadequacy. I really really hope hubspot sees this and modifies the functionality.  


Agreed.  There is no way we could risk missing a chat due to missing a 3 second notification.  We have  switched Live Chat off because of this issue. Really, who sits in front of a single browser tab all day??  I don't see how the current setup could fit any use case.


Also strange that I can't even set OSX up to catch this notification as an alert (which would remain until I clear it). 


We are unable to use Messages until this is resolved.


Is there any workaround or integration with a third party service? i.e.: Every new message that is posted in the window by a potential lead then generates a notification in Slack

Membro | Parceiro Platinum

Currently, if a HubSpot partner with the Sales Professional license uses the Messages and Chat features on their website, they only receive notifications and alerts when the Messages tab is open in their browser.

There should be a way to receive alerts regardless of whether or not the Messages tab is open. Basically, a browser extension for Messages. Even if there were a HubSpot computer and mobile app specifically for the Sales Pro Tools, or even just Messages. This would help people who want to be able to respond immediately to questions, especially if their browser isn't open. Almost like Slack.

Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Hi all! We've recently started leveraging the power of the HubSpot Notification center to expand the offerings available for chat notifications. In Profile & Preferences > Notifications there are now options to receive Assign & Reply notifications via Desktop, Floating, Notification Center, Email, Mobile, and our new Slack integration. I'd love to hear from the folks here if this covers the gap you were seeing, and if not, some more details about what you'd look for in a more robust notification solution!

Status atualizado para: Delivered
Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Yes, this is needed! We have missed several chats out of the gate which is making us second guess this feature. Please make this a priority. I could see a lot of customers dropping this if its not added asap. The issue is the desktop notification still looks like any other notification and we also get other notification in the corner of the desktop from other apps. The issue is, it lacks visibility. It would be great if the chat window popped up on the desktop to clearly show there is an active chat.


My thoughts.




I agree.  The notifications for conversations are not sufficient.  


 I see this has been updated to delivered but I feel like this still isn't good enough.

There needs to be a consistent place for notifications to appear, like slack, but slack.

We use slack, and this is great for us, but for our clients who don't use Slack, the notifications are still too easily missed.

Perhaps an incredibly simple desktop app would work.

e.g. Perhaps a small desktop app, where the window comes to the front of the screen when there's a new chat message, with a link that takes you to the conversation in hubspot in your broswer. Something really simple

Just something a bit more substantial than the notifications that are there now.


yes the notifications do not work 100% of the time either, and often I get like duplicates.  Also needs to make a noise or blink or something, our reps cannot stare at the inbox screen all day.  Maybe allow the chat portion to pop out like an app?  


also needs to make users AWAY when they close tab or browser, we constantly have chats assigned to reps that just simply forgot to switch to AWAY


Completely Agree - BIG Problem! 
We really would like to use Hubspot's Chat! But we are having problems seeing it when the chats come in. We have 4 Sales Reps and nobody sees the notification in the window in chrome and the sound is almost non-existent. Right now we use Olark and Adium as our chat client. Is there anyway to connect Hubspot chat to Adium via Jabber or some other way?

Hoping to use this rather than to pay for another chat program and slow down our site multiple scripts in the process.

Right now it's simply not useable as we can't afford to miss chats / sales.  


This is a big problem for us as well. We come from Zendesk Livechat and we never missed chats there. Since we use Hubspot Chat we are not noticing! Please modify the new chat notification sound, or build a Desktop application for chat agents, I don't know but notifications are not enough and the situation is not solved!


Yes!  Still paying for Olark Chat here - when I'd love to use HubSpot's platform.  Having an additional chat software only slows down the site and is not good.  But we can't afford to miss chats.  

With Olark with connect via Adium and Adium has great noises to let us know when someone is there - hard to miss.  They also allow us to see all the people who are on the site - so we could reach out to them if we wanted to.  Would really be great if HubSpot would step up their chat platform (soon).   🙂


Thanks again!

Jason in Costa Rica

Top colaborador(a)

We agree! The lack of notification is causing us to miss chats. Per my conversation with tech support the notification only happens if you have the window open. Since our chats are not consistent throughout the day, we need some type of notification beyond email to let us know when a chat comes through. Without this we are not responding quickly or missing them entirely. 


We would also like to see more sound options, louder preferrably. 


We use to use Snap Engage before we moved to Hubspot chat and we rarely missed these. It would also be nice to have a time out of availablity. 


This would be an absolute must from me, I miss chats even though I'm at my desk because it doesn't notify me when a chat pops up


Really hope this could get figured out soon...  Right now I'm paying for two different chats - 1 external and 1 for Hubspot.  But can't afford to miss a possible client.