HubSpot Ideas


Beta report builder needs hyperlinks to view records when using Table format

I've just tried out the new report builder beta this morning. I noticed that when I added a 'table' component there was no 'hyperlink' option next to record names or IDs (compare this to the list of records displayed when you click on a bar in a Report chart in a Dashboard).


This means I can't use the table component as desired with three objects (so am going to have try to solve with the cross-object custom Report instead (but is likely to be a problem given my data needs....)

18 Replies

Yes, big up to this. No live links are possible to be made with the beta reports builder.


Amazing solution in general, but it misses this!


Create live links to the objects please when it's on a dashboard.

Contributor | Diamond Partner

Please solve this, HubSpot Team! Two of my clients are in need of this.




Bumping this - hyperlinks in reports would be a super useful feature for us and a massive time saver.


Another basic feature that is missing. Please add asap. 


yes please! This is a must have


Essential - must have! Only thing that works is if you add company or contact ID it will hyperlink, but not back to a specific activity or point. 


Same here - our team is using a beta report in multiple meetings and are unable to have linked options for quicker updates as we are talking through them. This would be great to have as a on off fun ction for beta reports! If not - they just become a static board really. 


This would be really useful to have! We have used a dashboard to do an audit to ensure sensitive data hasn't made it onto the system.  The preview box for subject and note body doesn't;t show enough text  - a hyperlink would be so so useful to then drill down into the email/note in question. 


+1 for this. HubSpot reports are not very useful to us without this feature, which is pretty basic. 

Participant | Diamond Partner

Need this!~ 


Several of my clients' sales people want to essentially see tables in 1 dashboard of contacts they've emailed, calls they've made, deals they're working, and tasks assigned to them. They don't want to click into different parts of the system, which makes sense to me.


We can do this for deals, but not calls or contacts (at least not with links). This would be immensely helpful for better product adoption at these companies.


Hubspot, please implement the above. In addition, clicking on a record straight from the report would make the exception dashboard workable. 


+1 for this across all objects used as data sources. For us, would be useful to have links to custom object records displayed on a table report.


Bumping this, please add! This is so simple & would be really impactful.



This would be indeed really useful

Contributor | Elite Partner

I'm very surprised this isn't fixed yet. For the single source reports it works for all standard objects, but for custom objects it doesnt work (example below with job as a custom object) . Also in the custom report builder it doesnt work for any of the reports.

I tried creating a workaround with a property with the link of the record but this also doesn't allow to open the record:Example of a job custom object table report with no possibility to open the recordExample of a job custom object table report with no possibility to open the record

Participant | Platinum Partner

This issue needs to be adressed as soon as possible. It often defeats the purpose of the report building, advantaging the Single Object Report Builder over the Custom Report Builder.


This is really a downer on my custom object table!  This is pretty basic functionality.


Bumping. I was shocked this wasn't already implemented as a feature when I saw it on an idea thread in creatured in mid 2022. The fact that this was brought up back in 2020 makes it even worse.