HubSpot Ideas


(Beta) Form Builder using Custom Objects Properties

The new Beta form doesn't allow the use of properties from custom objects, it would be wonderful to have that ability on the Legacy Form. 

The lack of this ability causes unneeded properties to be created so we can then workflow the property to the Custom Object/Create the Record in the Custom Object.

HubSpot Updates
October 17, 2024 08:42 AM

Hi folks, 


I'm Ian the Product Manager on Forms. Thanks for your feedback, delighted to hear you've been testing out the new forms beta. We don't support custom object properties yet but we do plan to add them to the new editor. We don't have timelines yet. 



8 Replies
Most Valuable Member | Elite Partner

The ability to use properties from custom objects and make those associations would be dope! 


Yes! Its absolute essential to have the ability to use custom objects in forms!


I fully agree if the beta form editor replaces the legacy form editor without the ability to add properties from custom objects our usage of hubspot forms will be severly hindered to the point of needing to find a new solution for forms.

HubSpot Product Team

Hi folks, 


I'm Ian the Product Manager on Forms. Thanks for your feedback, delighted to hear you've been testing out the new forms beta. We don't support custom object properties yet but we do plan to add them to the new editor. We don't have timelines yet. 




This is the main reason we haven't switched over (and won't until COs are supported). We have lots of custom object-only forms (so no contact properties on them at all).

Contributor | Elite Partner

I can't wait for this to be available. 

Participant | Elite Partner

Here's a fix until Custom Objects are allowed in the new Beta Forms Editor:

  1. Create your properties in the Custom Object
  2. Clone your Custom Object properties to either the Company or Contact object
    • **Be sure to associate your Custom Object with whichever object have the cloned properties
  3. Add those Company or Contact properties to your Beta Form editor
  4. Create a workflow to copy the Company or Contact property values to corresponding the Custom Object properties
    • Trigger: form submission
    • Re-enrollment: form submission (optional based on use case)
    • Action: Create Record or Edit Record (depends if you want to create a new record or edit an existing one)
      • If you're not seeing your Custom Object, see the sub-bullet in step #2


If you need multi-step forms, this is probably your best option. If you don't need multi-step forms, I'd probably suggest sticking with the legacy form editor for now.


+1 to this!