[Beta] Ability to create and pin shortcuts to the header area
I would like the ability to create a shortcut to be placed in the top area of the new UI.
The new beta UI leaves a bit of empty space in the header and for me, who jump around to different departments/customers/tickets multiple times almost every minute, it would be grand if you were able to pin objects (ticket view/deals/dashboards) to the space right of the search bar for easy and fast access. Preferably you'd be able to pin a shortcut to a specific view, for example "My open tickets".
I work in customer support and I check older tickets, company information etc. all the time, and I work closely with our project coordinators and other teams in their own tickets. Anything to save a click or two would make me more effective in my area.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
+1. The lack of ability to add custom buttons has always surprised me. The lack of a universal shortcut for record creation is also disappointing (like we mentioned here). This idea could solve both. At a minimum, I'd hope to have a shortcut to create new records with a click or two. For instance, a + icon on the bar that drops down to objects, so you can create a ticket, call, etc. from anywhere. Our Support team is currently evaluating moving from Zendesk to HubSpot and the need to leave a current ticket to create a new one is one of those minor issues that is hard to overcome as it just seems like a fairly obvious gap. In any case, a good button here would be great.
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