HubSpot Ideas


Be able to archive campaigns

I would love the ability to archive a campaign. I want to keep the information associated with it, but I want to keep a clean view of currently running campaigns or only be able to associate assets with current campaigns. 

HubSpot Updates
In Planning
May 25, 2020 01:46 PM

Hi all, stepping in here to take over from Tilly. I wanted to share some good news that we have a team now dedicated to improving the functionality and power of the campaigns app. I've posted a few updates over on and and 


The quick update here is that we're working on a substantial set of improvements including the ability to rename a campaign, allowing more assets to be associated and the ability to archive campaigns. As we have an update on exactly when the ability to archive will be available I'll be sure to update you all here. In the meantime I'd recommend checking out the related posts I've shared, and others related to campaigns and provide your thoughts/feedback. 


For extra credit I'd love to learn more about how you're currently using the Campaigns app and other places we could improve. If you have a little extra time I'd really appreciate if you could check out this survey and share your thoughts: Thank you!

May 17, 2019 02:59 PM

Hi @D3-Bailey! This update is still in planning, but we do have other improvements to the Campaigns tool that we are planning to roll out in the short term. I will make sure to update here when there's more news regarding this functionality Smiley Happy

Re: Be able to archive campaigns - changed to: In Planning
January 04, 2019 01:05 PM

29 Replies

I think this would be great as well! if one becomes obsolete our out-dated, it is now a permanent active item in dropdowns when you want to assign campaigns.  It adds noise.


Please make this happen!

Top Contributor

And the suggested work around to move them to folders does not work as folders are not well supported in Campaigns (or other places).


This idea has been around a LONG time, but has yet to be implemented as of 2023. To have some historical record to reference witrhout having it clog up your daily activity seems pretty basic...


@hubspot - any update on this? We have more than 300 campaigns going back as far as 2015 that we want to retain the data/asset links for, but don't want to scroll through all of those options every time we go to associate an asset with a campaign. It looks like this was in progress a few years ago and would be a major enhancement to the campaign functionality. 

Member | Partner

As a HubSpot user and a HubSpot Partner, please allow us to archive campaigns. They are such a critical piece in measuring and tracking Marketing ROI based on activities. However over time, the list of campaigns grows and as a marketer, it is daunting to scroll through the long list to identify current campaigns versus old ones. We typically try to date Campaign names as a way to easily locate and associate when marketing activities are happening on live campaigns. That said, being able to archive, without losing data to no longer active campaigns is necessary to be able to measure and compare previous campaign tactics versus new ones.

Please please consider. Thank you!!

Member | Partner

As a HubSpot User and HubSpot Partner, please consider allowing us to archive campaigns.

Measuring Marketing ROI via campaigns is so critical. Over time the number of campaigns grow. It's challenging to associate new assets in live campaigns when the list for campaigns is so long and cannot be filtered. We use dates to help us distinguish and easily find current campaigns, however the list is daunting. It would be really great to allow archival of campaigns so we can close out campaigns when they have ended but not lose the data/insights associated. Being able to track and compare against new campaigns YoY is so helpful especially where planning and marketing budget is associated.


Please consider this for us marketers. 🙂


Is there any actual plan to develop this feature? It is badly needed and very, very basic...


It's been a year since I last checked in on this, and in that time I have seen no evidence that HubSpot listens or cares about its users or their needs. But keep pushing AI instead of covering the basics!