HubSpot Ideas


Be able to archive campaigns

I would love the ability to archive a campaign. I want to keep the information associated with it, but I want to keep a clean view of currently running campaigns or only be able to associate assets with current campaigns. 

29 Commentaires

I agree!  I would like to archive campaigns so that I know which ones are current when turning them on and off in the Productvity Calendar (can only turn on 30 at a time in that location). 

Membre | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Can we close campaigns down when it reaches the end date, so you cant choose this campaign when uploading content?


I agree! This seems like a must in order to get the best use out of the campaign and calendar functionalities - and hubspot overall.

Statut mis à jour : In Planning
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Looks like HubSpot is planning to do this, which is great. Have lots of campaigns we're not running anymore that I would love to clean up.


Any chance there is an update on the progress of this project @tilly ? Thanks a bunch!

Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Hi @D3-Bailey! This update is still in planning, but we do have other improvements to the Campaigns tool that we are planning to roll out in the short term. I will make sure to update here when there's more news regarding this functionality Smiley heureux


would be awesome to clean up the campaign list and still get metrics for past items!


PLEASE do this. I have nearly 100 campaigns and it's a mess. I don't want to delete them because I may need the information in the future, but I also don't need to be sorting through dozens of campaigns all the time. 

Are there any updates on this? It's been months now. 


If not an archive yet, what about folders for better organization? We instituted new campaign tags for 2020 and would love to segregate these current campaigns from closed.


Yes!! Please allow archiving of campaigns. Old campaigns are making the drop downs unmanageable.


Is there an update on this idea? We also need a way to archive old campaigns that we don't want to delete, so our drop-downs reflect current campaigns in use.

Participant | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Would love this update to be complete, it can get messy when looking at the reporting and especially when uploading social content.


I would also like the ability to change a Campaign Name, in addition to being able to archive a campaign. 


I would love to have the ability to archive campaigns - or at least a status field (Planned, Active, Complete) that we could use to filter.  



Statut mis à jour : In Planning
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Hi all, stepping in here to take over from Tilly. I wanted to share some good news that we have a team now dedicated to improving the functionality and power of the campaigns app. I've posted a few updates over on and and 


The quick update here is that we're working on a substantial set of improvements including the ability to rename a campaign, allowing more assets to be associated and the ability to archive campaigns. As we have an update on exactly when the ability to archive will be available I'll be sure to update you all here. In the meantime I'd recommend checking out the related posts I've shared, and others related to campaigns and provide your thoughts/feedback. 


For extra credit I'd love to learn more about how you're currently using the Campaigns app and other places we could improve. If you have a little extra time I'd really appreciate if you could check out this survey and share your thoughts: Thank you!

Contributeur de premier rang

Fully agree!


Campaigns are live things that sometimes sleep (=archived) and sometimes die (=deleted). So adding the ability to archive a campaign and make it active at a later point in time is a reasonble requirement.


Membre | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Need this!


Need this! So many old campaigns and it's hard to navigate them, especially if you can't rename them. Thanks.


This would be amazing as I'm racking up quite a long list of campaigns and it's dirtying up my metrics.