Be able to amend GDPR Subscription preferences through workflows
The new communications subscription properties are great, however only if using the HubSpot default form properties to gather consent. However, if we use custom properties for example, we have one that asks 'Do you want to optin - Yes or no' radio button, then there seems to be no way of starting a workflow that updates the subscription preferences. Also, third party providers such as Unbounce or Leadpages don't see the subscription preferences, and therefore we have to use custom properties in the forms.
I tried to use the subscription type checkboxes in a form to subscribe to blog. But some customers did not understand they had to check the boxes. So they submitted the form with their mail address and consent to process by submission. However as the subscription type check box was not set they still won't receive e-mail...
We are trying to send out one-to-one communication after the customer reached out to us via email.
The email is send to our inbox, creates a ticket and we want to communicate with the customer via email reply in the ticket. Everytime we have to choose a subsription type and say "yes, communicate". This takes too much time!
>>> Either it is possible to reply to an email without restriciton or we need a workflow saying: Customer send email to Inbox, create ticket and allow one to one communication in the ticket and the inbox. <<<
Need this for our Salesforce intergation as well. We have leads that come in from the Appexchange and we have to manually update the records to add a subscription.
@mariannedawson thanks for commenting! This is still actively being worked on, we had a target for a Q4 release and are still on track. The hope is that this will be released sooner rather than later as we're still refining the last few pieces in getting this out the door.
@TylerScionti Will this also allow us to identify when someone does not check the box to consent for communication? Or do NOT have a subscription they have opted into?
Hi @ElleP that actually should be available at the moment (though let me know if I'm missing the point!), right now you can make lists of contacts based on subscription status (when GDPR is enabled in the portal) as well as enroll them into a workflow based on subscription status. For example, you could enroll contacts based on being opted into a subscription type to trigger a notification to yourself or a user. What we're working on now is the ability to update the subscription status of a contact, for example if a contact has not opted into a subscription type you can enroll them and have them be opted in automatically.
Thanks for the quick response, @TylerScionti! We have GDPR enabled in our portal, but we don't have the auto-suppression enabled since most of our contacts are in the US and we currently don't assign subscriptions (because it would require us to manually do it). We were looking for a way to suppress GDPR people from our nurture workflows by adding them to a suppression list based on whether they check the box for communication consent and not necessarily based on subscriptions per se because we might risk bucketing people to the wrong place. I was hoping to make a smartlist instead of a workflow, but do you think the enrollment for workflows would be sufficient in this case? (i.e. GDPR fills out a GDPR form -> doesn't check the box -> gets added to a suppression list. And I guess, if they ever do check the box in the future -> they are removed from the suppression list -> can get our awesome nurture emails). Hope that makes sense! 🙂
Ahh thanks for clarifying @ElleP, and no problem happy to help!
This does make sense, in the event a contact fills out a form but doesn't check off the box to subscribe we can assume that they'd meet the criteria of 'filled out form and has not opted into <subscription type on the form>'. You could make a smart list based on this criteria which ought to do the trick as a suppression list for your workflows, and you're correct in the event contacts do reconvert and check off the box to subscribe they'll be eligible to get those awesome emails as they'll be moved off the suppression list :).
Let me know if there is anything I can clarify further!
Thanks @TylerScionti! I found a way I think with workflows and just adding people to static lists, but is it possible to use email subscriptions in smartlists yet? So far, I only see a way to use "opted out of" as a property, but I would love to be able to use email subscriptions! It would be a lot easier :-). Thanks again!
We've released the ability to update opt status per subscription type via workflows; the new action is called 'manage subscription status' and can be founder under the 'Contact Properties' section of the Workflow actions. For GDPR-enabled portals you can opt a contact in or out and set a legal basis for communication. For non-GDPR-enabled portals it simple either opts contacts in or out.
Opted out contacts will not be able to be opted in as only the contact can manage their preferences and the opted out status won't be overidden.