It would be a blessing to have notes "autosave" as soon they are started and created. I am a Mac user, and the mouse I have acts as the track pad as well. On too many occasions, I've started a note in Hubspot and accidentally slid my fingers across the mouse which takes the browser back to the previous page. Every time this happens, the note I was working on is gone and I can't get it back. Although it's a small request, it would be a huge help and relief to know my work wouldn't be lost. Thanks.
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I lost all my notes about a meeting this morning because I must have gotten interrupted and navigated to a different browser tab before clicking "Save" and at some point closed the HubSpot tab.
I just noticed, ironically, that this feedback I am providing right now is being autosaved. Why doesn't that work for meeting notes?
I'm sure it's more complex than I am imagining but I have lost loads of notes over time... This doesn't feel like rocket science to autosave unsaved notes for fifteen days and make them available to recover... I take copious notes while on phone calls and when I fail to save them and the tab is killed, I get **bleep**.
I have started taking notes in a third party application that DOES autosave notes and then moving them to the contact, but that's not as efficient as putting the notes directly into the contact.
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