HubSpot Ideas


Automatically track call, email, and meeting count and allow average aggregation on activity reports

This is a 2 part idea but can lead to the same solution to the problem.

Currently, we cannot show averages of activity count by deal in a custom report.  If we put together a report with data sources from deals and activities, we could see the total amount of calls, emails, and meetings made across all deals, but we cannot select the average aggregation function to know what the average is.  This function is greyed out. 

What we are trying to figure out is the average of all calls, all meetings, and all emails across all deals independently. For example:

Say there are 3 deals created total:

Deal 1 has 9 calls, 3 emails, 2 meetings

Deal 2 has 6 calls, 2 emails, 1 meeting

Deal 3 has 15 calls, 10 emails, 3 meetings

We would like a report to show that the average of the 3 deals is 6 calls, 5 emails, and 2 meetings. It's the total of each type of activity divided by the number of deals. This technically would work in a report if we could just do averages by a call count, email count, and meetings count.

What the reporting tool can do, however, is do averages on a number property on the deal.  So another idea request that would result in the same solution is to be able to have a count of calls, count of emails, and count of meetings on a deal record.  Currently, there is only "number of times contacted", which is a total number of calls, emails, and meetings together.  We would like to break this number down into its parts to know the effectiveness of each method.

Either a calculation property should allow for us to use the activity object to roll-up this count on a deal, or "count of calls", "count of emails", and "count of meetings" should be a Hubspot default property.  It's the same as "number of times contacted" but broken down into parts that make up that number.

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