I'm very pleased to announce that percentage based taxes (as well as discounts and fees) are now live and available to all users of Quotes! It seems that a few commenters here are looking for more sophisticated functionality such as auto-calculation of tax by region, setting defaults, etc. If you are interested in any additional feature like that, please file a new separate ideas post so we can accurately track community interest on those additional ideas. Thank you again for your feedback and patience!
I saw that many users already asked for this. How can we add sales tax to quotes that automatically calculate it according to the zip code of the customer?
We really do need this to be implemented-- as a company that syncs with our ERP, we need a way for this to be automated so we do not have to keep doing this manually.
If you are looking for a solution to this problem contact RefocusX on the Partner Solutions Directory.
RefocusX is the Lead HubSpot Partner for Chargebee "Quote to Cash". This integration is currently on the HubSpot Marketplace and will automatically calculate sales tax on HubSpot quotes. It will also issue Digital Payment Links with the correctly calculated sales tax direct as a HubSpot workflow email.
It can calculate the correct sales tax in multiple countries and is fully integrated with the HubSpot Sales Hub and Deals Module
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