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I think automatic recording would be useful when calling a contact from Hubspot, some times the manual option is missed when dialling somebody back for example. Always useful to be able to listen back and would be even better if it logged the call with the recording automatically. Thoughts?
Absolutely.We are not started to record any calls, as we are in the process to set up the team, however I can imagine that our team members will have dificultsometimes to remember about to presing the buton for recordings
Our team members regularly forget to hit this record button, it would be helpful to have the option to have this turned on in 1 party consent states by default.
Absolutely necessary! With too many things we need to do while on a call, I'd prefer the call recording automated so we don't have to worry about missing to press the button. I hope HS Team can look into it. Thanks!
If you're using AirCall (for example) integrated with Hubspot, Aircall automatically saves all calls in your stats. Therefore, it is incomprehensible that using Hubspot integrated with a Twillio number (for example) does not automatically record calls. It seems more like a legal problem than a technical one, but why do clients have to deal with this problem? Please resolve urgently, we can't wait any longer.
I have the same problem. In a Call Center platform we always have de posibility to record automatically all call without human intervention and also the ability to whisper the call (the supervisor can whisper to the sales rep during a conversation and the client dont ear that).
It is unpresentable that Hubspot still does not allow this functionality considering that it is a CRM tool that works seamlessly with call providers.
Hubspot does not have to assume that all countries have legal restrictions that the client must accept the recording. What's more, it's totally the other way around, in most countries it is recorded automatically to protect the consumer from fraudulent sales or ill-treatment, the supervisory institutions require calls to be recorded by law.
Hubspot should enable this possibility, legally leaving the responsibility of recording or not recording the call automatically in the hands of the sales person, through a popup message reminding them that they must notify the client that the call will be recorded with a button that does record and another that does not record. , but the fact of raising the message is already a great help to prevent them from forgetting to press the record button, it forces them to make the decision.
I'm sure you guys are smarter than me and will probably find a better way, but remember that "the best is the enemy of the good".
I'm quite impressed that Hubspot does not do this by default! Another CRMs way less complete have this feature! Please, do this right way! Is a must have for sales teams!! Clicking on a button leads to human error!
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