HubSpot Ideas


Automated US Sales Tax

We are currently rolling out a consumer model to one of our locations so having to manually add a line for tax is not that cumbersome.  We do plan to roll out to additional areas and removing the human error from any of our locations across the US where taxes are concerned would be a god send.  

Mises à jour HubSpot
Statut mis à jour : In Beta
November 07, 2024 12:14 PM

Hello! I'm back with an exciting update -- today, we launched our private beta for automated sales tax on invoices. As this is our first release, please note there are a few limitiations:

  • Automated tax is only available to customers in the US & Canada (future country support tentatively in 2025)
  • Automated tax is availble to customers using our Stripe Payment Processing (we'll be adding support for HubSpot payments next month in December)
  • Automated tax is only available on Invoices currently (We are currently targeting Q1 to integrate automated tax into our remaining tools including Quotes, Payment Links, and Subscriptions)

If you're interested in enrolling in the private beta, please check out the product update in your account to request access. Thanks!

Statut mis à jour : In Planning
July 18, 2024 09:21 AM

Hi all - my name is Joe and I work on the product team at HubSpot focused on Commerce Hub. I want to thank you all for the feedback you've provided on this idea and the patience you've shown. I'm happy to share that this effort is officially planned and underway. While I can't share a concrete release schedule just yet, I hope to share news about a private beta before the end of the year.


Please stay tuned and follow/vote for this idea if you'd like to kept in the loop on future updates! Thanks!

25 Commentaires

Please allow the ability to connect with known tax systems such as Avalara, that will automatically calculate state-based tax for Hubspot Payments. Without an automated way to calculate tax, the Hubspot Payments tool can't be used. 


Please integrate an automatic sales tax feature into Hubspot quoting or Hubspot Payments so we can remain complaint with state and local tax regulations.  We have been extremely please with Hubspot's evolving services but the lack of sales tax nexus support is a growing concern that will quickly become a significant factor in our ability to fully leverage Hubspot.  I'm happy to disucss this topic further and discuss ideas on incrimental features you could focus on until a complete solution is ready.


We can't use HubSpot payments because there is no way to automatically calculate state and local taxes.  We use Avalara to handle these calculations in our accounting system, but I don't see any integration currently available between them and HubSpot, and nothing native to HubSpot yet. 


We need this badly, we are blocked from issuing Quotes and receiving payments if we can't have US sales tax automatic calculation in HS somehow. Avalara integration would be fantastic.


At this point, it's hard to see path in which tax is not a roadblock for us. We also use Avalara.


While searching for a solution to manage subscriptions and payments it was great to learn that HubSpot Payments was a potential option for us. Our project requires the ability to calculate state and local taxes across the US.


Would be great if HubSpot added this feature or an integration for this capability soon.


This needs to be attached to the invoicing program, quotes, and payments.

We must charge accurate taxes to remain compliant with the 12000+ jurisdictions in the US.


Here are my thoughts:

  • I don't think using an integration partner like Avalara should be a requirement to be able to use this functionality. Avalara isn't absolutely required to get tax rates although I'm sure it streamlines the process somewhat and some customers use it.
  • In the US, sales taxes may be owed at the metropolitan area/city, county, or state level. This can have an impat on the overall rate at state level, if there is a rollup of these.
  • It is possible for an incorrect rate to have been applied on a given transaction or even multiple transactions OR tax rates may not have been setup for a new jurisdiction in time; so rates may need to be changed for multiple customers or invoices for a customer, or it may need to be dealt with just moving forward. A timeframe may be needed to be selected as to the scope of any changes due to rate changes and/or effective date of the rate.

This is the major shortcoming that prevented us from moving from Salesforce to HubSpot Sales Hub CRM in 2023.   


We already use Marketing Hub. We chose to stick with Salesforce (for now) as we didn't want to trust a 3rd party HubSpot implementation consultant that had never manually/custom integrated Avalara into HubSpot. We deemed it too important to take a chance.  We decided to take a year to review how we use Salesforce CRM to ensure there are no other missing requirements.


As we understand it, Avalara is the one that needs to spearhead the project of integrating with HubSpot.


It would really benefit users if the native HubSpot Payment Links functions can support automatic calculation based on sales tax. With it being a line items, is not enough. It should be based on the users postal code.
Stripe currently supports this,,your%20own%20custo....

It would be helpful if it was an added feature within the HubSpot Payment Links.


We are in a similar situation, a native Hubspot <> Avalara integration would be really beneficial.



Agreed here too - need to be able to add sales tax on recurring billing. 


How else are those of us who use Avalara supposed to move a quote to an invoice and and invoice to external accounting software with our taxes in place?


Currently doing extended (and frustrating due to limitations) integrations to implement a third-party subscrption tool entirley because HubSpot can't handle tax (yet). RevRech is complicated. Customer Service is complicated (because subscriptions are tracked in a yet another platform). Commissions are complicated. Any reporting across all of this is complicated. I really, really hope HubSpot and/or Avatax (or similar) makes this happen soon.


This is a must....if you are going to offer payments, the ability to scale with tax automation is a must.


Yes, we need exactly that too. We offer our services on different markets and had previously been able to automate this with the taxes via Stripe. To be able to use HubSpot for this, we absolutely need it.


The Avalara integration into HubSpot's payments platform is essential. We would love to switch all of our subscription management and such to Hubspot, but we can't until there is an Avalara integration. This should be a high-priority development item.

Statut mis à jour : In Planning
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Hi all - my name is Joe and I work on the product team at HubSpot focused on Commerce Hub. I want to thank you all for the feedback you've provided on this idea and the patience you've shown. I'm happy to share that this effort is officially planned and underway. While I can't share a concrete release schedule just yet, I hope to share news about a private beta before the end of the year.


Please stay tuned and follow/vote for this idea if you'd like to kept in the loop on future updates! Thanks!

Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Hi @RManfredo and @JBadur I'm merging this topic with this idea as that's where we'll be posting future updates. Thanks!


I, too, am very concerned about our ability to stay compliant and desperately need Sales Tax automatically added to Quotes and Invoices. Depending on the wait time for this to roll out, I may not be able to stay using Hubspot Payments. Crossing my fingers it's finished on time, can't wait for update.