Considering the ruling detailed in the article above, it would be prudent for HubSpot to improve how theme fonts are currently handled in CMS Hub to be both more compliant with GDPR and also deliver a better user experience by self-hosting fonts as opposed to using Google-hosted versions. This would keep the marketer/content editor flexibility of the current tool, but once a font is selected, HubSpot would automatically download the font files, install them in either the file manager or design manager file system, and embed these files in the same areas currently used. This should also reduce the likelihood of flashes of unstyled content (FOUC) that currently occur while the browser is waiting to download the Google-hosted versions of the fonts.
An Adobe fonts integration would also be great using the same workflow, but could easily be a future roadmap item after fixing the current issue.
Another more user-friendly regulation on the part of HubSpot would be very welcome here. At the very least, this is something to consider in the migration service for EU customers.
+1 for me. There are similar posts on this subject in the forum btw. All requesting and stating the same issue. I didn't know the term FOUC. But a similar word comes to mind when I think about GDPR 😀
+1 from me. This is a big deal unfortunately as opportunists are suing any website that uses google fonts by accessing the googleapi. Since this request is not inhibited by disallowing cookies, they claim their privacy is violated against GDPR since the request is registered on googles servers.
Our theme developers at Neambo (highly recommended by the way, amazing support) are now helping us work around this by checking "external fonts" (which is an odd name for this checkbox) and modfying our theme but this is not a very hubspot user friendly approach and requires dev resources.
Given the legal implications of this matter, it is my opinion loading fonts from the website and not google (or any other external source) needs to be the default behaviour in order for hubspot to achieve GDPR compliance.